- reproduced from message board, Dec. 2000

look inside my heart u will see
a crying heart, a bleeding heart
hateful of the world...but even more so
sadness, and hurt...intense incomprehension of
the array of the forms of injustices in front of my eyes
confusion, bewilderment
mother why do u hate me? father why are u so blind?
if only u spoke my language
if only u heard my voice
if only u sensed my need to be understood
but u dont even try
u dont even try
so i live, and do, and make my own
but that brings only more pain to me
because u dont want to see me
you dont want to hear me
so what am i to do?
but leave u
as i have others
i live only once and i do not fear anything anymore
i choose to be, and not care anymore
because nobody
does. so leave u i will.
and things will be ok again.

rrr/ 6 dec 00 00:12 hk

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