Is the very core of existence, it is the meaning of life. A sanctuary where only good feelings and emotions exist. It is inner peace, contentment. Love is security, adoration, respect, admiration, trust, pride, joy, passion, devotion. It is self-sacrifice, it is the utmost gift one can ever give. It is the bleeding of the heart when one is away, it is an unceasing worry that s/he will be taken away from you. It is precious, it is beautiful. Overwhelming, intoxicating. A state of euphoria. You shiver at the thought of your Other Half, because s/he is the most beautiful thing on earth. Your heart smiles. You glow, you shine. A continuous input of effort and time strengthens your love, it is like a tree in need of constant care and attention. You want to tend to your Love, so it grows everyday, it matures, it becomes stronger. Love is eternal; love is unconditional, limitless, boundless; it is taking care of each other in times of distress. It is supporting; you truly and wholly trust and believe in him/her. It is honest, it is open. You both are an open book, but closed to the world for you are each other's safehouse. There is no shame in Love, there is no selfishness. It is giving your all, and being your all to your Other Half. It is submitting and surrending to each other, it is fulfilling each other's needs. Making your dreams come true as One, living as one, sharing as one. It Is One. As One as two can ever get. In heart, in mind, in soul, in body.