Pure Fucking Armagaddon 1.Voice Of A Tortured Skull(Intro) 2.Carnage 3.Ghoul 4.Black Metal(Total Death Version) 5.Pure Fuckin' Armageddon 6.Mayhem(Unmixed) 7.Ghoul(Unmixed) 8.Pure Fuckin' Armageddon(Unmixed) 9.Carnage(Unmixed) Deathcrush 1.Silvester Anfang(intro) 2.Deathcrush 3.Chainsaw Gutsfuck 4.Witching Hour 5.Necrolust 6.(Weird)Manheim 7.Pure Fuckin' Armegaddon Live In Leipzig 1.Deathcrush 2.Necrolust 3.Funeral Fog The Freezing Moon 4.Carnage 5.Buried By Time & Dust 6.Pagan Fears 7.Chainsaw Guts Fuck 8.Pure Fuckin' Armegaddon De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 1.Funeral Fog 2.Freezing Moon 3.Cursed In Eternity 4.Pagan Fears 5.Life Eternal 6.From The Dark Past 7.Buried By Time And Dust 8.De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas A Tribute To The Black Emperors 1.My Darkened Subsconscious-Morbid 2.Winds Of Funera-Morbid 3.From The Dark Past-Morbid 4.Discusting Semla-Morbid 1.The Freezing Moon-Mayhem 2.Necrolust-Mayhem 3.Funeral Fog-Mayhem 4.Carnage-Mayhem Dawn of the Black Hearts Live in Sarpsbourg 1990 1. Deathcrush 2. Necrolust 3. Funeral fog 4. Freezing moon 5. Carnage 6. Buried by time and dust 7. Chainsaw gutsfuck 8. Pure fucking armaggedon Live in Lillehammer 1986 9. Dance macabre (Celtic Frost) 10. Black Metal (Venom) 11. Procreation of the Wicked (Celtic Frost) 12. Welcome to Hell (Venom)