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Futhark, a Handbook of Rune Magic
Teutonic Magic:The Magical and Spiritual Practices of the Germanic People
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe
Mask of Odin:Wisdom of the Ancient Norse
Odin's Family:Myths of the Vikings
The Wolf and the Raven(Paxson, Diana L. Wodan's Children, Bk.1.)
The Dragons of the Rhine(Paxson, Diana L. Wodan's Children, Bk.2.)
The Lord of the Horses(Paxson, Diana L. Wodan's Children, Bk.3.)
Dictionary of Northern Mythology
German Hero-Sagas and Folk-Tales
Songs of Yggdrasil; Shamanic Chants from the Northern Mysteries
Northern Mysteries & Magic: Runes, Gods, and Feminine Powers
The First World War in Posters, from the Imperial War Museum, London