Barbers A thru H - 1879
This list is someone else's who was kind enough to let me use it. I will add more as I receive it.
- Acker, Conrad
- Altendorf, Jacob
- Amann, Louis
- Amman, John B.
- Anderson, Frank
- Anton, Frank
- Babo, Charles
- Bahr, Joseph
- Bass, James A.
- Bauer, Hermann
- Baumunk, George P.
- Becker, William
- Beile, Charles
- Beiser, Charles J.
- Berne, George J.
- Bernstein, Isidore
- Bertz, August
- Birkenmeier, Alexander
- Birkenmeier, Joseph
- Bischoff, Jacob
- Bischoff, John
- Bitner, Maggie (yes, Maggie!)
- Bobb, Conrad
- Boehm, J. M.
- Boelckow, Albert
- Brandon, Harry
- Brown, Thompson
- Brueckner, Ferdinand
- Brun, Adolph E.
- Buchholz, Frederick
- Buehler, John
- Bukowski, Andreas
- Butzbach, J. Henry
- Charbonnier, John
- Cherie, Emil
- Clamorgan, H. & Co.
- Cramer, Fritz
- Danner, Jacob
- Dausch, Frank
- Davis, Emanuel
- Decker, Jacob F.
- Denoyer, Joseph
- Deobald, Frederick
- Diamond, Patrick
- Diehl, Henry
- Duessel, Fred. A.
- Dupree, Matthew
- Ermentraut, Henry
- Ermentraut, William
- Etling George & Co
- Fachinger, Robert
- Falke, Julius
- Fields, John
- Finck, Frederick
- Fischer, Adam
- Flohr, Reinhard
- Flori, Elizabeth
- Fornhoff, John
- Forster, Simon
- Forsting, John
- Forsting, John J
- Fosmeier, August
- Frank, Benjamin
- Frederic, Nicholas J.
- Free, Wendel
- Freyer, George J.
- Gaar, Herman
- Gaupp, Andrew H
- Gebhard, Charles
- Geithermann, Jacob
- Gerhard, Julius H.
- Goebel, Frederick
- Gorbach, Emil
- Grosse, Martin C
- Grosser, Julius
- Gruenewald, Ferdinand
- Guhman, George
- Guhman, John
- Gumblinger, Adam
- Haase, John H
- Haenisch, Christian
- Haffner, John
- Hagemann, Louis
- Haggenyas, William
- Haustein, Adolph F
- Hanstein, Fred
- Harrison, Albert
- Haupt, Jacob
- Hausmann, Charles A
- Heath and Son
- Haberer, Michael
- Heinz, Frank
- Heinze, Frederick
- Hendricks, Peter B
- Herbst, Herman
- Hermann, Christian
- Herzog, Felix
- Hess, Christopher
- Hesse, Ignaz
- Heuermann Bros.
- Heusner, Frederick B
- Hickman, Benjamin
- Hild and Guhman
- Hillger, Adolph
- Hinton, Abraham
- Hoeffner, Anton
- Hoeffner, Sebastian
- Hoff & Bischoff
- Hoffman, Charles
- Hofmeister, George
- Holdenried, Phillip
- Hopson, John T
- Hopson, William H
- Horning, Frederick
- Horning, William
- Horst, Henry
- Hough, Benjamin J.
I will have more later. I only have them through "H".
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