~Welcome To My Page of Pics~
This page will eventually have a LOT of pictures on it!
Right now there will only be a few, but I will add to it as I get the pics. I have a wonderfull son-in-law Mike who is scanning pics for me. Fortunately for him but un-fortunately for me, he has a full-time job, so he doesn't have much time to work on my pics. So, here is what I have for now.
This is my husband Ed--We've been married 37
he cute? He loves to work in his garden. Now he owns his
own landscaping business!
This is the only pic we have of Ed when he was small,
thats him in front, the girls are all his sisters, except
the oldest is his brothers 1st wife.
This is Ed's family in the early 1950's when his only
brother shipped out to Korea
These pics are of my youngest daughter Tierra. She is 19 & she graduated from high school in June of 1999. The first is
her "senior" pic.The second is her "prom" pic. & the third is
her "cap & Gown" pic. Isn't she beautiful?
Here are some more pics of Tierra
That's Candice & Tierra & the next one is before Tierra
Here's Tierra after she graduated, just before "Grad
This is Ed with his niece Vi & 2 of his nephews Freddy & Joe, singing "In The Still Of The Night" at his sister Sarah's 80th birthday party recently. They used to sing like this together when they were kids in Hawaii.
Here's two of my girls with Don Ho at one of his concerts
These are three of my daughters, Mandy, Tierra & Lisa & I
This is some of our family at the "Aloha Concert Jam"
This is my daughter Mandy & I showing off our flower bracelets before Tierras graduation
This one was at my brother-in-laws birthday party, it's my grandaughter Candice, daughter-in-law Rhonda, son Ed,daughter Tierra, daughter Lisa & my hubby & I in the front
Here's Rhonda & Ed's son Dalton with Lisa & Ronny's son Jered
This is my daughter Lisa & her hubby Ronny
This is Lisa, Ronny, Jered & Jacob, in my most recent pic of them
This is our nephew Matt, our grandson Chadd, our grandaughter Candice, our daughter Tierra & our nephew Gabe.
This is Candice & Tierra "hanging out" together.
This is my son Ed (we call him Chico) & my husband singing a Filipino song "Dahil Sayo" for his sister Sarah on her birthday.
This is my youngest son Nico. I'm very proud of him!! He's a great guy!
This is my grandson Chadd at the Aloha Jam
These are two of my grandaughters, Kori & Candice--Here's Kylee too!
This is my grandaughter Kylee & I, & my daughter Lisa & her son Jacob are behind us
Here's some more pics!
These are my oldest daughter Marianne & hubby Steve's 4
kids, Cody, Bethany, Sinead, & Ryan. They live in Oregon so
they get to go snowboarding a lot
Here's some of the Calif. kids, Dalton, Jered, Jacob ,
Kori & Kylee, they go to the beach
This is a pictue of all my kids together, taken in 1981
when Tierra was a baby.