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This page is dedicated to the memory of my squad, killed in action on 8 November 1968, Homer...SGT Hartman...Philly...The two new guys whose names I can not remember...
And to Bradly, I hope you see this Brad....!
Service and non-Service Connected Disability Benefits.....
Getting help for Veterans is what this page is all about... Whether you are a peace time Veteran or a War time may be experiencing difficulties obtaining benefits from the Veterans Administration. While I do not claim to know everything there is to know regarding the V.A., some of the information I intend to put forward here may be helpful to you. There are many benefits for the Veteran, some of which the Veteran may not be aware of...
Service connection.....A service connected Veteran, meaning, any Veteran, classified by the V.A. as service connected, for an injury or illness contracted while in service, or in some cases after dsicharge form service, may get medical care from the V.A. free of charge at any V.A. health care facility.. Service connection doesn't necessarily mean that the condition is due to an injury caused in war...If you had any injury or illness before your discharge from the Service, that you did not have before your service started, you may be entitled to benefits classified as service connected....
Veterans may also be eligible for service connected benefits, if an injury or illness was diagnosed after discharge from the service, I will get into that later on.
The rule of thumb for eligibility at V.A. health care centers is,a zero to forty percent rating, you can obtain health care for service connected injuries or disabilities free of charge. With a fifty to ninety percent rating from the V.A. you are entitled to free health care for both service connected and non-service connected injuries and disabilities except dental benefits. With a one hundred percent rating, you are entitled to free health care for service and non-service connected injuries and disabilities including dental. Additionally, any veteran who is clasified as service connected, may be eligable for monatary compensation as well.....
First Things First.....!
Who should file a claim?
Any Veteran who has been injured while in service, should file a claim for disability. Any Veteran who had become ill while in service who still suffers from that illness should file a claim. Any Veteran who after leaving service has contracted an illness or disease, that the Veteran believes is a result of his service should also file a claim...
How and where to file a claim for disability...
There are several ways in which a Veteran can file a claim for disability compensation....Veterans organizations such as the American Legion, Veterans Of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Vietnam Veterans of America, all have TRAINED Service Officers. A Veteran may also file a claim himself. I recomend that a Veteran who wishes to file a claim do so through one of the Veteran Organizations listed above. These service officers, know how to and know the proper wording. They also know what documents the veteran needs to submit, where to get information and best of all, it's free. The do it your selfer, usually gets applications kicked back several times for lack of wording or not supplying the right forms or information. Just go to your local post for help or contact me through the guest book. I will post some phone #'s on this page for the various organizations. Please, I can not stress this point enough, let the professionals take care of filing your claims.....Besides disability Veterans may also be intitled to a number of other benefits, including loans, schooling, vocational training services, job preference and many many others. See your local service officer for a list of all Veterans Benefits.....