The nurses job's is never done,
     you hit the floor on the run.
With all the patients to tend,
     and more and more paper work to do.
It's no wonder you wear out,
     so many pairs of shoes.
Some of your patients are so sick,
     others have tempers just a little quick.
Nothing suits them and the only time they beep,
     is to make a fuss.
Through all of it the nurse is there,
     with a pat to your shoulder,
     and a smile on their face,
     to show you they care.
Soon we are better and go on our way,
     while you prepare for another long day.
Walking miles of cold, hard floors,
     with no complaints preforming your chores.
We should stop a moment and ponder.  How a reassuring voice
     and gentle smile can work such wonders.
By helping us heal, even with the burden you are under.
     Next time your nurse comes in your room,
      give a compliment and a smile and let them bloom.
     They give of themselves and receive few rewards.
So your smile and respect will brighten both your hearts.

By Bill Harris
December 13, 1994
CCU, Room 448

Typed as written. 
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. 
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. 
To reach out for another is to risk involvement. 
To expose your feelings is to risk exposing your true self. 
To place your ideas.  Yours dreams before a 
  crowd is to risk. 
To love is to risk not being loved in return. 
To live is to risk dying. 
To hope is to risk despair. 
To try is to risk failure. 
But, risks must be taken because the greatest 
  hazard in life is to risk nothing at all. 
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has 
  nothing, and is nothing. 
They may avoid suffering, and sorrow, but they 
  cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. 
Chained by their certitudes, they are a slave. 
  They have forfeited their freedom. 
Only a person who risks is free. 

--Author unknown 

Why should we keep from others those tender loving words,
Why should we hide the words we feel with which our hearts are stirred.
Why not speak out free and voice those things we feel,
When others would be happy to know what our hearts conceal.
So many hearts are yearning for words they never hear,
Some little word to tell them that to us they are so dear.
Don't set the seal of silence upon your lips that so
The depth of your affection others may never know.
Let your love be spoken, keep back no tender word
That will cause sad eyes to brighten when loving words are heard.
A harvest of smiles, a famine of tears 
   Through all the days of the coming years.
So sweet, so pure, so deep, so true
Are the words my friend, I send to you.
By Lary Whittington
This next poem was on my Grandmother's fridge for a long time...
Someone Needs You
If you are feeling sad and lonely,
There seems nothing you can do,
Just take courage and remember,
There is someone needing you.
You were created for a purpose,
For a part in God's great plan,
Bear ye one another's burdens,
So fulfill Christ's law to man.
Are you a father, son, or daughter?
You've a work none else can do.
Are you a husband, wife, or mother?
There is someone needing you.
If perhaps in bed you're lying
You can smile or press the hand
Of the one who tells his story;
He will know you understand.
There are many sad and lonely,
And discouraged, not a few,
Who a little cheer are needing,
And there's someone needing you.
Someone needs your faith and courage;
Someone needs your love and prayer;
Someone needs you inspiration,
Thus to help their cross to bear.
Do not think you work is ended,
There is much that you can do.
And as long as you are on earth,
There is someone needing you.
I don't know if this work is copyrighted, if it is, and you know, let me know.

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