Dodge Viper Links

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Dodge Viper Signs
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The Dodge Viper

The Dodge Viper is a fast and cool looking car. I've had many experiences with Vipers and yet I'm only 17. My neighbor, whom I have a job for, is a car lover. He has 2 Dodge Vipers. An 94' RT-10 and a 96' GTS. It is my job to wash, wax, and care for the cars. He has many other cars but I don't want to get carried off the subject. I've been in both the Vipers and we got them up to speeds of 130. When we turn, the Viper grabs the road and the turn is made easy. I know the Viper inside out. My neighbor has many connections with Viper related objects. We are selling Professional Dodge Viper Signs and a license plate decal for Vipers. If interested, click on the links on the upper corner of this page. The viper is an amazing, American car. If you own a Viper, you know the smell and the way it rides like its on a new paved road. If you don't, try to imagine and one day, it might become a reality.

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