About the Workshop ... Program Schedule ... Abstract ... Speakers
Event report and photographs

IDV 2007

Organized by


VLSI Society of India


Second International Workshop on

Interconnect Design and Variability

December 13-14, 2007, Bangalore, India


Venue: “Room Conclave” - The Atria Hotel

P.B. No. 5089, No. 1, Palace Road, Bangalore - 560001
Ph: 91-080-22205205; Fax: 91-080-22256850

E-mail: atriahotel@yahoo.com, atriahotel@rediffmail.com www.atriahotel.com

Sponsored by


Cadence Design Systems


IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

Bangalore Chapter




Scope of the Workshop

General Co-Chairs:

Nagaraj, N.S. Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas

C.P. Ravikumar, Texas Instruments India




Juan C. Rey, Mentor Graphics Corporation

Srinivas Mandavilli, Mentor Graphics India

Kazuya Masu, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Ersed Ackasu, OEA International, Inc.

Noel Menezes, Intel Corporation

Sachin Sapatnekar, University of Minnesota

Tom Williams, Synopsys

Vish Sundararaman, Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas

Steffen Rochel, Blaze DFM Inc.,

Nishath Verghese and Atul Sharan, Cadence Design Sys.

Nagaraj, N.S., Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas

Palkesh Jain and Gautam Kapila Texas Instruments India

Madhav P. Desai, IIT Bombay

Vani Prasad, Freescale Semiconductor

Vidyasagar Ganesan, AMD


Interconnect scaling and variability are two difficult challenges in sub-100nm technology nodes. This workshop aims at addressing the following topics.


Latest advances in interconnect modeling and design innovations to continue performance scaling in sub-100nm technologies:

v       Technology scaling trends

v       New process realities in sub-100nm technologies

v       Alternative interconnect methods

v       Interconnect analysis algorithms

v       Design and Architecture methods to mitigate RC scaling


In depth review of the latest advances in variability in sub-100nm technologies:

v       Device and interconnect process variations

v       Algorithms related to statistical analysis of performance and leakage

v       Practical approaches to address variability

v       Variation tolerant design methods

Workshop history:

The First IDV Workshop 2006 was held at IISc, Bangalore, during December 28-29, and was attended by 70 participants.


Targeted Audience:

The workshop will be useful to professionals as well as faculty and students who are looking for research topics.

Download announcement with registration form PDF 410KB.

Deadline extended to November 30, 2007 for early registration

Course Fee


November 25, 2007


November 25, 2007

Professionals (Non-members)

Rs. 5,000

Rs. 5,500

Professionals (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 4,000

Rs. 4,500

Students/Faculty  (Non-members)

Rs. 3,500

Rs. 4,000

Students/Faculty  (VSI/ IEEE members)

Rs. 3,000

Rs. 3,500









Please also register online at http://vlsi-india.org/vsi/activities/reg.shtml apart from sending the filled hardcopy of registration form.


Venue Map
Venue Map



About the Workshop ... Program Schedule ... Abstract ... Speakers