Arthur A. Kay delivered a seminar on Op-Amp Noise Calculation and Measurement at Texas Instruments, Bangalore campus. Arthur Kay is the linear applications manager at Texas Instruments. He specializes in the support of sensor signal conditioning devices, and industrial applications. He works from Tucson, Arizona. The seminar was organized by PragaTI (TI India Technical University) in collaboration with IEEE Circuits and Systems Bangalore Chapter and VLSI Society of India.
Art began with an explanation of what intrinsic noise and extrinsic noise are, and how they are modeled statistically. He then explained a way to calculate the noise in Op-Amp circuits through TINA SPICE simulation. He also explained how a lab setup can be made to measure noise in Op-amp circuits and how equipment such as oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers can be used to measure noise.
The seminar was highly interactive and there were a number of questions from the audience. The seminar attracted excellent feedback. There were 37 attendees, including members of IEEE and VSI. C.P. Ravikumar, secretary of IEEE CAS Bangalore Chapter and VSI, introduced the speaker and delivered the vote of thanks. Refreshments were served after the seminar.