"VOLGA" Hotel in Russian

"VOLGA" Hotel offers:

"VOLGA" Hotel waits You!     Restaurant "RUSS"

"VOLGA" Hotel - united complex:


Organizine an undertaking the seminars, conferences, conventions.

Help to decide all questions for an ing the atheletic actions of any scale (feeding, residence, transport, lease of atheletic common-rooms etc.).

You may make excursions in city (Palex, Ples, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Rostov-Vilikiy, Suzdal, Vladimir) for groups and individually.

"VOLGA" Hotel waits You!

For Your questions E-mail: "VOLGA" Hotel

Here weather in Kostroma.

Painter from Kostroma
Russian Painter from Kostroma city

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Russian Book Schop
OZON gives possibility to order books, videocassettes and DVD, Russian edition of all popular magazines, Magic The Gathering playing cards and more.
Russian Book Schop
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Created 21.05.99 last updated on 29.09.02