1) Name? Danielle
2) Location? Corona del Mar. CA (pretty much halfway between LA and San Diego). A quarter mile from the beach.
3) Age-Sex-Marital status? 30, female, single and sick of it!
4) If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be? I'll take the fifth on that one! LOL...(no one better EVER ask who puts the blonde in vrooom!)
5) If you could have a tattoo where would it be? Always used to want a tiny cherry on my butt, glad now I never got it.
6) If you could turn into a animal, what would it be? My dog, because she's so spoiled, or a bird...ahhh to fly...or a fish, would love to breathe under the ocean blue! Hippos are cool too, though.
7) If you could meet anybody in this world who would it be? Lots of dead artists poets, and linguists (ie. Klimt, Neruda and Noam Chomsky) Alive? Warren Buffett!
8) What is your favorite gum? Rarely chew gum but the light blue Extra if I do.
9) Which is your favorite Mentos commercial? Like em all for the Eurotrash value!
10) What color is your toothbrush? Clear.
11) What color is your toothpaste? Light blue, I painted my bathroom walls the same color.
12) Is the glass half empty or half full? Always half full....total optimist here.
13) Whats on your ceiling? That cottage cheese stuff for now, plan on removing it soon so it wll be smooth with crown moulding.
14) Whats your favorite color to paint your toenails? I have this red that looks brownish in some light, red in daylight.
15) Pick a song that describes yourself: A song on the "9 1/2 Weeks" soundtrack entitled "The Best is Yet to Come" by some obscure singer called Luba. Click here to hear some of it while you read!
16) Which do you prefer cool ranch or nacho cheese Doritos? tough choice, on the rare occasion I buy them, I get one of each.
17) Whats your favorite flavor of Snapple? Chianti!....huh?? Oh! used to drink the kiwi-strawberry alot but it has been a few years.
18) Who is your favorite character from "The Breakfast Club"? Ally Sheedy's...played her in drama in High School, only because I was more like Molly Ringwald's in real life.
19) Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke.
20) What is your sign? Aquarius...born 2/4/68
21) If you were a dog, what would your name be? Ruby
22) How do you eat an Oreo? I am a splitter, I like making the tooth tracks.
23) What is your favorite kind of milk? Nonfat
24) If you were to kill someone, by what method would it be? would never do that unless in self-defense....however, ice cube up the butt during orgasm...heard that it works and I am curious if it does. Supposedly only works on people with bad hearts...the Anna Nicole Smith method to financial freedom!LOL
25) Are you a righty, lefty or ambidextrous? Righty
26) Innie or Outie? Innie
27) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Hell NO! Quick hunt and peck-er here.
28) Which is your favorite Adam Sandler movie? Only have seen "The Wedding Singer" and thought they could have done sooo much more with it, me being a child of the 80's and all.
29)What do you wear to bed? It depends on my mood and if I have company!!!
30) When you notice a person of the opposite sex, what do you notice first? Wedding ring...if it's there, no need to look further. Tall guys get my attention, though...I am 5'10"!!
31) Have you ever been attacked by a big dog? Little dog, scar to prove it. It was a Shih-Tzu and it bit me on that part between your upper lip and nose. I was 5. Hated those barking mops ever since. Have chihuahua now. She's 9 so Taco Bell copied ME!
32) Do you ever save your on-line conversations? Some emails, yes...chat? can you do that?
33) Do you eat your chicken with your fingers or a fork? Fingers!
34) Do you eat broccoli stems? Yes....I have a very healthy colon!!! LOL
35) Boxers or Briefs? Neither (I am a chick!) ... my choice depends on the outfit and how fat I feel that day. Prefer boxers on men, briefs always remind me of European men's swimsuits.
36) If you could streak in front of one person's house, who would it be? Buckingham Palace, maybe the White House. Or the Royal Palace in Amsterdam (there, everyone's too stoned to notice!)
37) Guys/Girls would you ever ask a random guy/girl for his t-shirt? Been there, done that.
38) If you could be one gardening tool, which one would it be? A Hula-hoe.. or maybe a stake in a vegetable garden with a label that says "Tomatoes"
39) What kind of sneaker would you be? A little white leather Ked.
40) What kind of corn would you want to be? (ear, canned, frozen, dried, cracked, indian, creamed, popped) Fresh off the stalk, freshly cooked, dripping in home churned butter.
41) If you could do anything to the person you hated the most, what would you do? Don't hate anyone. Castration, however is a good thing for all rapists, child molesters and wife beaters.
42) What is your favorite Jell-o flavor? Watermelon Jell-o shooters!
43) Which do you prefer: mud wrestling or jell-o wrestling? Mud!.... the right kind does wonders for the complexion!!!
44) Whats under your bed? Dog hair, storage boxes and probably my dog's lost toys... and overdue library books.
45) Who're your crushes? I have dozens every day, though there is this one guy .....you know who you are...and Greg Kinnear, Ryan Stiles and Peter Coyote are also welcome to eat cookies in my bed, too.
46) Whats the best number in the world? Has to be 4...the number of legs required to do a proper waltz or swing.
47) If you could say anything to any 3 people, what would it be? Only 2, I would want to tell my parents that I love them again one last time.
48) Who are your friends? People who endure my sorrows and share my joys.
49) What is your most favorite thing to do? Laugh! .... boy-watching, traveling, flirting and bobbing around in the ocean looking at fishies are all pretty cool things too. Basically anything involving the ocean or being near it. I think if you hold my heart to your ear, you can probably hear the ocean!
50) favorite quote(s):I have a lot of good ones, maybe they deserve their own page!
--"Yes, old friends is always best, 'less you can catch a new one that's fit to make an old one out of." -Sarah Orne Jewett
--Friendship is far more tragic than love. It lasts longer. -Oscar Wilde
--Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art....It has no survival value, rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. -C.S.Lewis
--Friendship or love- one must choose. One cannot serve two masters. -Rene Crevel
--Feminine virtue is nothing but a convenient masculine invention. -Ninon de Lenclos, "The Compleat Lover", edited by William Geoffrey
--Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity to be otherwise. -Maya Angelou
--One makes mistakes:that is life. But it is never quite a mistake to have loved. -Romain Rolland
--A woman unsatisfied must have luxuries. But a woman who loves a man would sleep on a board. -D.H.Lawrence
--One discovers a friend by chance, and cannot but feel regret that twenty or thirty years of life maybe have been spent without the least knowledge of him. -Charles Dudley Warner
--One of the main troubles about going to Europe is that no one wants to hear about your trip when you get back home. Your friends and relatives are rife with jealousy and are not only sorry you went to Europe, but deeply regret that you came back. -Art Buchwald
--The more joy we have, the more nearly perfect we are. -Benedict de Spinoza
and my all time favorite quote (from a fortune cookie I got!)-- Life brings you a bold and dashing adventure.
51) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Egg, of course. Though the naughty answer would be, "I didn't know chickens had orgasms".
52) What do you have for a keychain? A Tiffany Sterling thingy that unhooks for valets.
53) Where is the farthest place that you ever traveled to? Which is farther, Australia or New Zealand? I'll just say "down under".
54) Your favorite Disney cartoon is--- I love those educational music ones that we saw in grade school, my feature-length favorite would be "Fantasia".
55) Hellman's or Miracle Whip? I have always considered mayo in all forms as "satan of the sauces" but for tuna salad it's the pure stuff, baby.
56) In your high school yearbook say you are entered in the Who's Who, which category are you? (If not for real, pretend.) Most-likely-to-get- married-in-some-far-off-obscure-tropical-locale- that-requires-a-series-of-immunizations-before- the-trip-and-6-days-of-travel-by-oxcart-to-get-to
57) What are you going to be for Halloween? A devil with a blue dress on (NOT a Lewinsky reference, it's from the song...)
58) What is your favorite type of chips? Those pretty plastic ones from casinos that have lots of zeros on them!!!
59) You are on a deserted island and you can have three things, what are they?
1. One man whom I love dearly (but who is sterile so I am not popping out kids left and right)
2. A boom box that gets every radio station I am in the mood for at the time.
3. an airport so friends and family can visit....LOL I know.... I am taking dramatic license here!!
60) What is your favorite fruit? Kiwi I guess, I also like coconut and peaches
61) You are traveling to a place that you have always wanted to go... where is it? Ummm Egypt, South Africa, Asia, Brazil(and the rest of S.America that I haven't been to), Bali, Moorea, the Canary Islands, Gibraltar, Malta, Casablanca....I will stop there for now but never stop in real life!
62) What color is your car/truck? White with black top and tan interior (see vrooom photo)
63) More than likely, while out with your friends you are drinking--- in the ambience!! I don't have a "drink", it's whatever I am in the mood for, usually.
64) You are a character from Gilligan's Island, which character are you? If the Skipper and Ginger had a child, it would be me!
65) What was your favorite childhood toy? Had to be Barbie!
66) What movie title best describes your love life? Hmmm "All the Right Moves"? "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"? (ok thats a sick one)..."Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down"?...."A Big Hand for the Little Lady"? (LOL)....okay how about "A Few Good Men"?
67) You are in a talent contest, what is your talent? That depends on what kind of talent contest and if I'll get paid or not!! LOL
68) What is the scariest movie that you have ever seen? "Future Shock"
69) Okay, fess up, what is your pet name? Thumper
70) Is there someone from Ridiculist that you would really like to meet? and if so who? Of course!!! Everyone!!!
71) What is your favorite game? Hmmm....flirting is kind of a game, isn't it? I do like Monopoly, though as board games go..I have the London version.
72) Who is your favorite cartoon character? Always liked Jiminy Cricket... or Fritz the Cat!!!! LOL
73) What do you dream of most often? Weird things, like the people in my life in unlikely scenarios. I have very bizarre dreams.
74) Which actor/actress do you desire? Desire? Well, for pure hubba hubba value I would have to say Ryan Stiles
75) What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? I like Raspberry sorbet
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