Member of USA HyperBanner

In Memory of Owen Hart, A tribute page will be added to this site shortly, anyone who wishes to contribute to the site can send messages or memories of Owen to me at and I'll try to have the site up by the end of next week.

Adam Copeland's Biography

Edge Pics Frames Version

Edge Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery #2

Brood Pics

Christian Pics

Links to other Cool Edge/BROOD Pages

Professional Wrestling Hunks Page

All About Me

More to Be Added Later!


Chris Jericho

If you want your page added to mine as a link, all you have to do is put a link to my page on yours! Then email me at You can use the banner at the top to do so, if you can, upload it into your own directory, but if not, here's the code:

*A HREF=""**img src="/~wacky_angel_98/banner_builder/edgebanner.gif**/a*

Be sure to replace the *with tags

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I adopted Jericho! Inviting isn't it!!

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