
On SUNDAY November 17 Bobby Simpson said, " There are many residents of York whose mindsets are still stuck in a time warp, mainly the '50s and '60s where they feel right at home with their racist and bigoted thinking, thus making progress very difficult for those who would like to move York forward."

When I arrived in York in 1964 it was the first time I had seen a middle-class town combined with an ethnic neighborhood.

For the first time I was able to walk in the daytime without some other random white guy I didn't know wanting to fight just for the hell of it.

And I saw block after block of privately-owned well-kept rowhomes rather than the crammed tenement buildings I was used to seeing along the East River.

And the downtown stores were pristine! And they could leave things out at night without worrying about theft or vandalism. Not fearing shoplifting their backdoors were open so people could go between stores via the alley!

Pedestrians did not curse and litter. There was no graffiti.

At 10 PM most people went indoors. The street became quiet. And they were all safe to walk in the dark. With screens in my windows I was amazed at the silence of the night.

The people here had much better attitudes than those in NYC where all those ethnic groups grate upon each other due to their irreconcilable differences.

The teenagers neither acted nor dressed like hoods. It was like Archie Andrew's "Riverdale".

And even at that age I realized it was all due to the town being overwhelmingly just one ethnic-group (Pa. Dutch) and that the working-class jobs paid middle-class wages. An Ethnic Neighborhood can support a few people of other heritages but not thousands of them flowing up the highway.

My parents worked from their teenage years until their 40s and finally squeaked into the middle-class. But they gave it up to start over at minimum-wage jobs just to live in such an environment. And five years later it was destroyed! And I'm not supposed to be angry about it?

Read my lips, all you armchair philosophers: Ethnic neighborhoods work! Mixed neighborhoods do not work! Ethnic neighborhoods run smoothly because the people are all virtually the same. They all have the same thousand year backround. The same culture, habits, religion, beliefs, social pressures, traditions, and whatever else makes up an ethnic culture. They are practically like clones. They just live and do things automatically and in a common way. And mutually take things for granted as being either acceptable or unacceptable. (Note that it wasn't until most of America's ethnic neighborhoods were destroyed that we suddenly needed all these lawyers. )!

What destroyed York,Pa and America was the Interstate Highway System. I've lived in different towns and I heard the same thing everywhere: "Things started going bad when the new highway opened." Before that system one could throw a dart at a U.S. map, go there and see that almost everyone living in that area belonged to the same ethnic group. And they were separated from one another until the Highway System ruined everything. (It was copied from the Autobahn, but those people were all Germans.)

If every family in an apartment house has the same ethnic heritage it means the same rules exist in each apartment, and thus in the halls between apartments. If each apartment house on the block and on both sides of the street contain the same type of people it means the sidewalks and street between them also have the same rules. If the all the apartment houses contain the same ethnic people then the whole neighborhood follows the same rules, both inside and outside the homes. But if the people are mixed the areas between the homes become a no-man's land where no very specific set of standards are obeyed and one gets what we have today. When you have two sets of rules you get no rules.

PBS told of how Harlem was so nice before WWII and so bad after it. It also mentions that the Puerto Ricans moved in after WWII. But it's afraid to connect the two. But it was not that Puerto Ricans were bad it was the attempt to have one neighborhood with two cultures that did not work. The same thing would have happened to Harlem if Poles or Germans or any other group had suddenly flooded into a Black neighborhood.

But it is usually the Blacks who trigger it and that's only because a thousand years of European warfare makes White Ethnic Groups not want to move into each others neighborhoods. Blacks, not knowing European history, also don't notice that they did not move into 'white' neighborhoods but into 'German' or 'Irish' or other specific Ethnic Neighborhoods.

It's also no accident that so many Jews push this Ethnic Mixing without realizing how important Single-Ethnicism is. Unlike other whites, Jews never had their own nation in Europe so they never had the experience that would have given them the knowledge. ( One of the first things I was taught in Astrophysics was that there are two ways to "proof': Mathematically and Experimentally (Experience). Liberal philosophers use "Reason and Logic". Nothing can be proven by "Reason" and/or "Logic" as they are based on the English language and thus subject to False Premises, Lies of Omission, and Imprecise Definitions. (Swearing by Reason and Logic led to them refusing to give up on Marxism no matter how often the Experiment failed as it sure sounded reasonable and logical. Many people have had their lives ruined by the liberal insistance that Reason and Logic trumps Math and Experimentation. Communism, Organ-Donation, and Ethnic-Mixing have never worked and never will. But in all three cases many will have to die before the nonsense stops.

It's no accident that there is so much killing in Europe whereever two Ethnic Groups occupy the same place: Belfast, Bosnia, Basques. Woodrow Wilson knew this. That's why one of his Fourteen Points was to redraw all political borders to follow Ethnic boundries. Then Whites would not be killing each other and would have no excuse to take anyone else's land. But England and France did the opposite and Wilson walked out knowing it would lead to the same old problems.

York,Pa will never, never revive as long as it is Ethnically mixed. Its best chance now is to become almost entirely black or almost entirely Latino. Only an overwhelmingly mutual heritage will allow it to function smoothly.

Incidentally, "Segregationists" are also stupid Integrationists. They want to Integrate all the whites together against the non-whites. But mixing WASPS and Poles and Germans and Italians etcetera is as destructive to society as mixing whites and blacks. One Neigborhood/One Ethnic Group worked from when the first WASPS made their own colony in Virginia over 300 years ago, through the Swedes moving to Minnesota, the Germans to Wisconsin and until the Interstate Highway System was built and ruined it all. The so-called "Fabric of Society" is made from mutual Ethnic Heritage.

York's PA. Dutch could live right next to each other in rowhouses. Having lost that they moved out into the county where they have homes encircled by yards for use as buffer zones against non-Pa.Dutch cultures.

For ten generations York was basically a Pa.Dutch neighborhood. Then they lose it when it's invaded and overwhelmed by other peoples. And they aren't supposed to feel angry??

I-83 was York's firing squad. US 30 was the coup-de-gras! ......