History of Israel including the fantastic amount of sacrifices America has made for Israel for which the Jews should thank us every day yet instead demand even more by constantly playing the anti-semite card.


WORLD WAR II ends. WASPs rule most of the world. British WASPs start to turn their empire over to American WASPs.



Liberals always remind us how incredibly racist America still was in 1947 when he started playing baseball. But they never say that it was that very same racism that made it possible to create "Israel". I have a 1947 dictionary at home and under "Moslem" is has a crazed Whirling Dervish. Back then Arabs and Muslims were called "sandniggers" and their opinions and rights meant nothing to the WASPs. In the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1986 a list of all the groups that supported the creation of "Israel" was printed. None of the organizations listed were of the people who actually lived there!!! It was just a huge EMINENT DOMAIN project.


"Israel" is created. We are always told that there never was a "Palestine". Well, of course not! The area was always occupied by others and they were never allowed to be free. Different foreign empires took it from each other over and over again. And the British WASPs took it from Turkey after WWI. When the British WASPs started talking about leaving the people who had lived there for generations thought they'd finally have their own country. But the Brit WASPs gave it to people from Europe and America who were Jewish. But, hey, who cares what sandniggers want, eh?


I have no idea when the USA taxpayer was first forced to send Billions of dollars to Israel but it was probably close to the beginning.


Billions of American taxpayer money sent to Israel.


Billions of USA money sent to Israel.


Billions of our tax money sent to Israel.


Billions of gentile tax dollars sent to Israel.

A huge percentage of Jews in America were far-left-wingers. They were all over the giving of the A-Bomb and H-bomb to Stalin, our mortal enemy, and the American Communist Party was awash with Jews at a time that American boys wer dying in Korea.


Billions of our tax money sent to Israel.

I have no idea when the Jewish spy system to keep gentile Americans in line started. But the ADL, Simon Weisenthal Center, and other groups organized all over to force us to keep giving them our money and to risk our nation for theirs.


Billions of more American gentile money for Israel. .... Jews were overwhelmingly out to smash at Christianity and Christian morality. Their names were all over everything yet we were attacked any time we mentioned the types of names attached to the actions.


More and more of your/our billions of dollars to Israel. US money and equipment used to kill Muslims. They kew it but the WASP/Jew media hid it from Americans. A stubborn dying British WASP colonial empire tries to hold on to the Suez Canal. Nasser takes the canal that divides his nation in two. (Those bad sandniggers!) Britain, France, and Israel invade Egypt in a sneak attack. Khrushchev says there will be nuclear war if they dont get out. Eisenhower orders them out. This was the FIRST time we all could have died thanks to "Israel".


More of our tax money to Israel. Billions and Billions of dollars. And if you dont like having your money taken from you and given to them you are just a terrible anti-semite.


More of your money going to keep semi-alive the still-born state of "Israel" which has always been on life-support from the USA taxpayer.

When I was growing up in the public schoold in the 1950s we were always told that NOONE lived in the area wher ethey put Israel. There was nothing but an unoccupied desert! And the Jews "made the desert bloom". No word of any Muslims living there (Or even Jews living there before 1948.) No mention of how it was American money to make the desert bloom. We were lied to year after year after year. And we always thought those bad Arabs didnt want the land until Israel made it bloom and then they came in from far away to steal it.


More and more and more of our money sent to Israel. BILLIONS!! And you OWED it to them, by gum! And in return for all this money and a near nuclear war most Jews were leftists who were opposed to America in The Cold War in every confrontation EXCEPT if it was for Israel.


Every year the US Congress sent more billions of dollars of Americans money to Israel. They didnt dare not to. Mulims kept getting killed by obviously American equipment. Every Muslim on Earth knew it but the WASP/Jew media never mentioned it to gentile Americans.

More of your money to Israel in return for American Jews constantly hating Christianity and for the Blacks against the whites whose money was going to Israel.


Still more billions of your money to Israel. Jews in America continued to vote left wing and praised the Warren Court which hated white culture and Christianity.


Billions to Israel again. Same public school propaganda. Christianity in school was wrong but constant lies about the Arabs and Muslims in school was just fine. Plus the propaganda of US "underdog" Jews although they were rising to be equal with the WASPs!


Billions of our gentile taxes go to Israel once a gain.


Billions more of your money go to Israel. (Actually, it's not 'Israel' it is JUDAH!. (If even that)


Billions more money taken from you for Israel. What could America have done with all that money?

LBJ throws open the gates of the USA to as many non-Christians as possible to swamp the Christians. (Pat Robertson said it was two left wing Jewish Senators behind the bill.


BILLIONS more of American money to "Israel" .


Billions of money from us to Israel. They always get more than any other nation on Earth. But they always whine that its not enough.

Israel throws a sneak attack at the Muslims. Its the SEVEN DAY WAR! The Soviet Union threatens nuclear War. The Jews brag about how great they were to so easily blow away the Muslims and the Muslims are laughed at and called racist names. No mention of how it was a sneak attack and they did it with zillions of American taxoayer dollars and they used America's latest equipment which was far more advanced than what the much poorer Muslims had or could get.

The WASPs and Jews showed non-stop contempt and racism against the Muslims since at least 1948. But now they REALLY looked down at them. And the American media obeyed them. (Heck, all the TV networks were run by Jews as well as all the major newspapers.) I admit I was suckered as well. I was 17 and I rooted for the Jews and bought the nonsense that the Jews were underdogs. Of course, American taxpayers had to replace all the money and equipment lost in the war, and then some.


Billions more for Isreal. The Jews really wallowed in their victory from the Summer of 1967 until the Summer of 1968. But what was their peak quickly turned into the beginning of the end.

In the summer of 1968 Bobby Kennedy was assassinated! When they showed the guy who did it we could not figure out what he was. He then said he was a PALESTINIAN! We had never heard that term before. Were we lied to about theire being NO people there before 1948? And he said he killed RFK because he was so pro-Israel against the Palestinian people. So thanks to Israel we lost RFK! For the first time we lost something due to israel other than billions of our dollars and all the anti-Christian things the 90% leftwing Jews were doing. ( In 1968 I flew in a plane next to a Jewish collge guy who ranted against the Vietnam War but bragged that he fought for Israel in the 7 DAY WAR. I guess he was the first of the neo-conservatives. )


Billions more to Israel. And guess who always has to PAY for Israel's wars as well?? Who replaces the equipment? Once I saw a Jew write in the newspaper that it was no big deal that America replaced the military materiel Of Israel as Israel always bought it from America. Thats like saying it is okay if you steal from someones register if you spend it in his store. course the "Hippie Movement" ... and anti-Vietnam war demonstrations leaders were really top-heavy with America-hating atheist Jews.