Bretonnia is one of the greatest realms in the Old World, rivaling even the Empire in size, wealth, and power. Through generations of continuous war against a horde of different foes and invasions, the Bretonnians forged a formidable and heroic tradition of Knighthood. Indeed, it is not the fertile plains and picturesque valleys that characterize Bretonnia, rather it is the proud and chivalrous Knights!

There is no sight like a Bretonnian Army on the fields of battle. Multi-colored banners flap in the wind, the sun reflects brightly off the polished armor, and all is arrayed in the hues and heraldry of the many feudal dukes and lords.


The youngest and lowest order known as Knights Errant, start off defending their local village from rampaging monsters. If successful, they can earn the full rank of knighthood from their local Baron or feudal Lord. While not as powerful as the more battle-honed Knights, their lower points costs will allow you to field a larger unit.


The most numerous Knights of the land are the Knights of the Realm. These battle-proven warriors have earned the right to hold a domain and so they are made lord over a village and its fields and castle.

In battle the Knights of the Realm gather together to form some of the deadliest units in the game. Few foes can survive the kind of full-tilt charge these knights can deliver.


Knights who have relinquished their castles and domains and live in service to the Lady of the Lake are known as Questing Knights. These Knights are on a spiritual quest to discover the grail - the sacred cup of the Lady. The most powerful Knights of all are the Grail Knights, elite warriors who have battled through countless enemies and hardships, and still remained virtuous enough to have actually seen an appearance of the Lady of the Lake and drank out of the sacred cup. Not many in the Warhammer World can match their battle prowess, or withstand their mighty charge.


While Bretonnian Armies depend heavily on their armored Knights, in times of great need they are simply not enough. Peasants, or commoners are quite capable of picking up the bow, spear, and halberd to join the battle.

While not as honorably armed as the virtuous knight, the Men-at-Arms, Bowmen, and Squires both fill out the ranks and complete important battlefield tasks.


There is no Warhammer Army as honorable or quite as colorful as a host of mighty Bretonnians. With their personal heraldry and banners, the Knights appear like a colored sea. If you are interested in building your own Bretonnian Army to reap glory on the fields of honor then the best place to start is with the Warhammer Armies Bretonnian book. You will find complete background on the land of Bretonnia, the full history, all the Knights, and, of course, the complete army list of all the troop types. All special rules, including the new Bretonnian formations and the Knightly virtues are included, as well as full-color painting guides so you can construct your own heraldry.

Bretonnia Gallery

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