British Studies Events

Global calendar 1999



Leeds, England

14 - 17 July 1999

Television & History is the title of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Association of Media & History, taking place at the University of Leeds. Themes covered are the relationship between film and broadcasting; history on TV; history of TV; the problems of historical programme-making; the representation of nationalism and national identity and new technology/new audiences. Proposals (maximum 200 words) for papers on these or related topics should be sent by 29 January 1999 to:

Dr. Graham Roberts
Undergraduate Centre
Institute of Communications Studies
Roger Stevens Building
University of Leeds

tel +44 113 233 5826

fax +44 113 233 5809



Coventry, England

12 -18 December 1999

Looking into England will be the title and theme of the 6th Warwick Seminar and conference in British Cultural Studies organised by the Literature Department of the British Council and the University of Warwick's Centre for British and Comparative Cultural Studies, who will host the event. More details of the seminar, which will examine English national identity in the context of the whole UK, will be available in February. To receive further information, please contact Naomi Clift at the British Council's Literature Department

fax +44 171 389 3175