In this activity, I want you to go to EITHER one of two buildings: the Atatürk House on the Kordon, or to the İzmir Archaeological Museum. When you get there, I want you to answer the following questions. Send your completed worksheets to me, and I will give you the next part of the activity:


Izmir Archaeological Museum


Look at the building carefully, and answer the following questions:






1. Why was this building built here?





2. What building materials have been chosen? Why?





3. How would you describe the architectural style of the building? Why was it chosen?









4. Have there been any alterations to the outside? Removals? Additions?










Atatürk House, Kordon, İzmir








5. Which room(s) are the most prestigious rooms? How do you know? Decoration? Scale? Views?











6. How does the inside relate to the outside? Are the important rooms the ones that the outside suggested? Which rooms have the best views? Is this significant?










7. Have there been any alterations to the inside? Removals? Why? Additions? Why?










8. What was the function of individual rooms? What is the evidence you can see to prove it?










9. Has the function of individual rooms changed? What is the evidence you can see to prove it:











10. How do the rooms relate to each other?










11. What do the use and layout of the rooms say about how the building was used and about its users? What do they say about the time when it was built? What do they say about the people who have preserved them?


























Look at the objects on display (the panels, the display boards, any working models you might see. pictures, historical objects such as stamps, war arms, coins, paintings, photographs, etc.) and answer the following questions:


12. Choose ONE of the objects on display in the museum and answer the following questions. This object may be a photograph, a display panel, a piece of furniture, a piece of armour, a coin. Do not attempt to select a WHOLE ROOM - just ONE object within ONE room:


Name of object:





What is it worth:


a) to the people who made/created it?




b) To the people who used it or looked at it at the time when it was made?




c) To the people who keep it in the museum?





d) To you?





e) To a bank?




f) To the Turkish Republic?





After having looked at the objects on display, answer the following questions:


13. Does the museum specialize in only one type of collection or does it have several?




14. How many different techniques does the museum use to describe its exhibits? Does it do this effectively, or could you suggest better ways?








15. How does the grouping of objects affect the way they are interpreted?


















16. Have you found out anything from this visit that you didn't know before?









17. What do you think the purpose of this visit was?









18. (To be answered on your return from the visit)

What significance does this visit have for an understanding of what Cultural Studies is?








19. In what ways could this visit help you in your study of BRITISH Cultural Studies?






