Part One

"I hate him! I hate him so much!" I screamed at Paul. My boyfriend at the time, who I really cared about. We met way back in 6th grade, 4 years ago. We were both 11, and hated school. We bonded. But back to the time at hand. This is an all to familiar scene. My stepdad is an asshole. Ask all of my friends, they know. When he gets drunk, you better watch out. And tonight was one of those nights. He came home late, drunk, and in a bad mood. Guess who just happened to be in the way. I was sitting on the couch, watching one of my old favorite movies, Independence Day. He came in and slammed the door, which just about scared the crap out of me. My mom was sitting at the table cutting out coupons out of the paper. He walked up to her and grabbed her by her shirt and then punched her. I got so mad I ran in the kitchen and tried pushing him off of her. Bad move. But at least I got him off of her, which was my goal. He picked me up and thru me on the stairs. I felt so much pain running thru my back. He came up to me again and slapped me across the face. Then he started beating up on mom again. When he fell asleep on the couch, mom told me to go to a friends house. She said she couldn't take it anymore, she's calling the police on him. And she doesn't want me here just incase he finds out before they can do anything. And that would bring me up to presant time here, at Pauls. It feels so good, to just sit here in Pauls arms. I hope the'll never leave me. I sat their for a few minutes, before I fell asleep.


"Ashley?" I awoke to Paul shaking me. "You should probably go home, and see what happened." I knew he was right, but I didn't want to go. "Okay." I said. I got up, and stumbled a little bit, my eyes still blury with sleep. I put my shoes on and gave Paul a quick kiss then walked out the door. When I got home, I hesitated, but then turned the knob and went in. The house was quiet, which wasn't all that unusuall, but I expected mom to be home. Then I noticed the note on the kitchen table. I picked it up, not knowing how much my life would change by that one note.
