Part Two

Dear Ashley, I'm sorry I have to do this, but I just can't take it anymore. I didn't call the police on your step-father. I just had to leave. In the bowl on the counter there is about 50 dollors. I know its not much but its all I can give you now. I want you to find somewhere to stay. I think I know of a place. Your birth-fathers best friend lives in Tulsa Ok. Thats not to far away from here. The address is on the back of this note. If you tell him what has happened, I'm sure he'll understand and help you out. I'm sorry this has to happen. Please forgive me. I'll love you always, Mom

I can't believe she would do this to me. How could my mother leave me. Where did she go? Is she gonna be alright? Why did that asshole ever have to come into our lives? What the hell am I gonna do? I don't know these people. Well Mr. the devil himself isn't here right now. Most likely at the bar getting drunk again. God, does he ever do anything else? I started walking upstairs to get as much of my things, and then I'll have to go say good-bye to Paul. Oh my god, how am I ever going to leave him?

I went to my room, and started packing. I tried to make it as light as possible, but their was so much stuff I wanted to take. And mom was right, 50 dollors wasn't much. Good thing I had my savings jar. I'v been saving since I was in 4th grade. I took out the money and counted about 350 dollors, then plus the 50 mom gave me. 400 dollors should get me there. I was just about to head downstairs when I heard the front door slam. I ran to the window and low and behold, Jerk-off's car was in the driveway. "Shit. Well forget the extra 50" I said to myself. I pushed open the window and climed down the tree right by it. When I got to the bottom, I went to the front of the house hoping not to be spotted. When I saw his car, I had a crazy idea, but it might be worth it. You see... he's got a habbit of leaving his keys in the car. "Yes!" I almost shouted, but stopped myself. This might just be easier than I though. Well off to Pauls. Saying a silent prayer.. I started the car.
