Part Three

When I got to the doorway... I started freaking out... it just now dawned on me what the hell I was doing, and I had no idea exactly yet what I was doing.

I didn't knock on the door... we've gotten to the point where we don't have to. I couldn't see anybody, but I could hear music comming from Paul's room upstairs. I ran up the stairs, taking some two at a time. I quietly knocked on his bedroom door and pushed it open. He was sitting at his computer doing something.

"Uh... Paul?" I asked? I could tell my voice sounded as if I'v been crying... weird enough... I haven't been.

"Ashley... whats wrong?"

"Paul... I'm leaving. My own mother left me! How could she do that? My own mother! Its all that damn assholes fault!" I was hysterical by now. Paul was up in a minute, cradding me in his arm. "I don't want to go, but I have to. I have to get away from him, like Mom did."

"I don't know what to say. I know why you have to go. Oh... I'm gonna miss you so much Ashley. Is there anyway you can stay?"

"I wish there was, but theirs not. Do me a favor... call the police on that son of a bitch and tell them he drove his family away... well I wouldn't call him much of a family member... but still."

"Okay... I'll do anything."

"When I get there, and get settled, if they even let me stay, I'll send you a letter as soon as possible."

"Okay. I love you so much."

"I love you to Paul... Good Bye" And with that... we embraced in a long kiss goodbye... and I left. I started up my, well not leaglly, car... and took off. To start my new life.
