Part Four

I just pulled into Oklahoma when i realized my gas tank was just about on Empty. Problem was, I was 10 miles from town yet. I just hoped this baby would hold out untill then... if not... I'm screwed.

I turned the radio station, since the one I was listening to was turning into nothing but static. Lets see.... Classical, no... zzz... Country, no... zzz... M&M, awesome. Decent enough.

Two miles from town, looks like I'll make it. I pulled into the gas station and up to the pump. Mom always used unleaded, so I guess that will work. I filled it up and the totall was 17.50. I walked into the gas station and went back to the coolers. I grabbed a Diet Sprite and a bag of pretzils.

As I was walking out of the gas station, this guy was walking towards me. He had short black hair, and a mustash. He gave me a weird look, but kept on walking. I wonder what his problem is.

When I got back into my car, I pulled away from the pump and pulled into a parking space. I reached into my backpack, and pulled out the note my mom wrote me.

I turned it over and looked at the address. Then I pulled out the map Jerk-Off had in the glove compartment. Epson Drive... thats not to far from here. I followed the map, and was their in about 15 minutes. I looked at the house numbers one more time, then went to look for the house. 5367, 5368, 5369, well, thats it. I pulled into the driveway, and got out of the car. I walked up to the door, and knocked. Well, this is it...
