Name: Rebas Strength: 18/97% Race: Dwarf Intelligence: 16 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Wisdom: 17 Class: Fighter Dexterity: 18 Level: 15 Constitution: 15 Armor Class: -11 Charisma: 15 Hit Points: 132 *Perception: 16 God: Moonshae World: Forgotten Realms Proficiencies: Blind Fighting, Tracking, Looting, Mountaineering, Riding Land Based, Languages Modern, Rope Use, Swimming, Set Snares Weapons: +5 Vorpal Scimitar, +3 Scimitar, +3 Dagger, Sword of Cymyrch (+4 longsword), +4 Short bow, 48 +1 Silver-tipped Sheaf Arrows, Armor: +4 Full Plate, Shiekd of the Lionheart Magic Items: 3 Bags of Holding, Amulet: Proof from Decapitation, Broom of Flying, Boots of Stealth Rings: +3 Protection, Fly, Invisibility, Speed x3, Teleport Without Error, Water Breathing, Cursed (Silence) Money & Treasure: P.P.-12 / G.P.-14,255 / E.P.-66,666 / S.P.-4 / C.P.-0 4 sm. Gems Value-?, Bag of sm. Diamonds Value-? Character Notes: (will add at a later date) _________________________________________________________________________ Name: Cragon Strength: 18-91% Rcae: Dwarf Intelligence: 17 Alignment: Chaotic Neutarl(E) Wisdom: 17 Class: Fighter Dexterity: 18 Level: 18 Constitution: 14 Armor Class: -13/-16 Charisma: 15 Hit Points: 180 *Perception: 16 God: Odin World: Forgotten Realms Proficiencies: Blind Fighting, Armorer, Looting, Brewing, Blacksmithing, Tracking, Direction Sense, Riding Landbased, Riding Airborne, Hunting Weapons: +5 Scimitar, +4 Dagger, +4 Battle Axe, +1 Comp. Shortbow, 24 Sheaf Arrows, 9 +3 Arrows of Giant Slaying Armor: Great Helm, +5 Full Plate Magic Items: +5 Cloak of Protection, Cube of Force, Bracers of Archery, Cloak of Displacement, 2 Bags of Holding, Hewards Handy Haversack, Wand of Magic Missiles 100 charges Rings: +3 Regeneration, 2 +4 Protection, Fly, Invisibility, Speed(45mph), +2 Protection, Cure Light Wounds 5 charges, Wishes 4 charges, Raise Dead Money & Treasure: P.P.-55 / G.P.-600,022 / E.P.-60 / S.P.-0 / C.P.-0 8 sm Gems Value-? Character Notes: Will add at a later date _______________________________________________________________________________ Name: Tanis Strength: 18 Race: Wemic/High-Elf Intelligence: 16 Alignment: Lawful Good Wisdom: 17 Class: Fighter Dexterity: 18 Level: 7 Constitution: 17 Armor Class: -4 Charisma: 8 Hit Points: 91 *Perception: 16 God: Torm the True World: Forgotten Realms Proficiencies: Blind Fighting, Hunting, Rope Use, Jumping Weapons: Longsword of Babette Malestrom(See Character Notes) Armor: Full Plate +4 Magic Items: ---- Rings: ---- Money & Treasure: P.P.-0 / G.P.-0 / E.P.-0 / S.P.-0 / C.P.-0 Character Notes: Originally A full High-Elf Tanis started out his adventuring days as a slave sent along with a gruop of adventurers on a mission to gather components for a wizard. Upon completion of this journey Tanis would gain freedom for himself and also for his sister. Tanis started out as a Fighter/Thief that worshipped Bast(Egyptian Goddess of Cats) who out of a moment of extreme stupidity attacked an illusion of Bast(wich he thought was actually Bast),wich got the attention of the actual Bast who showed up not to happy with Tanis. As punishment for his act he was turned into a Wemic, although he still retained all of the stanard abilities of an Elf. After getting used to his new form Tanis cotinued on with the rest of the party. While approaching a city the party was ambushed by bandits, Tanis beeing very greedy, started to loot the bodies before the fight was completely over with, one of the bandits shot Tanis with an Arquebus blowing part of Tanis' brain out(he surived thanks to a cleric in the party), so now Tanis was not only greedy but really stupid as well. During another part of the journey, the party was attacked by an extremely huge flock of crows of varying sizes. Tanis wond up having abdomen tore wide open(didn't have the full plate yet). after the party managed to get away it was obvious that Tanis would die unless given some serios help that the party's cleric just could not give. Luckily there was a town/city a short distance away. Luckily For me the DM must have been in a good mood that night because Tanis made it to the town in time and there was a temple to 'Bast' in it. The clerics in the temple agreed to help Tanis, for a donation of course. The treatment wound up taking several game nights so I gamed with an Elven Mercenary(who wound up dead) during this time. Eventually Tanis made it back to the party (with the help of a teleport spell) completely healed, only with metal claws instead of natural ones(gift from the clerics). We eventually came to a castle, keep, or a dungeon(can't remember wich) were there was some of the spell components we were after. While we were exploring the passageways we came upon three sets of armor, The first polished silver-like metal, the second green metal with etchings of leaves and vines all over it, the third black metal with the look of total chaos to it. One member took the green set, I took the silver set, and nobody (to the dissapointment of the DM) took the black set. Tanis put on the torso, arms, and helment of the suit(couldn't wear the legs being a wemic) and that when I found out just who the suit used to belong to. The armor used to belong to a Palidin whose spirit still inhabited the armor and wanted to be able to continue his work for Torm. A battle of wills took place and unfotunately Tanis lost. Now I have a PC who is a wemic that wants to be polymorped into a human so that he can be a Palidin of Torm. Needless to say this has been my favorite character to date. ________________________________________________________________________ Name: Balor Strength:16 Race: High-Elf Intelligence:18 Alingment:Chaotic Nuetral Wisdom:16 Class: Mage Dexterity: 16 Level: 12 Constitution: 16 Armor Class: -5 Charisma:15 Hit Points: 72 *Perception: 17 God: N/A World: Forgotten Realms Proficiencies: Spellcraft, Direction Sense, Languages Ancient, Languages Modern, Reading/Writting, Herbalism, Rope Use, Animal Handling, Brewing, Gem Cutting, Looting, Riding Land Based Weapons: +1 Sling, +1 Dagger, +2 Dagger Armor: ------ Magic Items: Wand of Lightning Bolts(50 charges), Wand of Revealing, Staff of the Magi, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C.2 Rings: Regeneration +1, Mass Suggestion, Protection +5 Money and Treasure: P.P.-0 / G.P.-4,540,751 / E.P.-0 / S.P.-0 / C.P.-0 Character Notes: Will Add at a Later Date __________________________________________________________________________