Character sent in by: Leonard Savage ( Name: Lars Age: 19 Sex: Male Class: Ranger Ht: 7' Race: Wemic Wt: 750lbsLevel: 8 Hair: Golden Align: Neutral Eyes: Green STR: 17 H.P: 77 INT: 16 Unfortuatly His mane DEX: 17 Was recently burned CON: 16 as he was captured WIS: 16 A.C.:-3 CHA: 15 Thaco: Norm: 14 Adjusted: 9 Saving Throws ------------------------------------------------------ Poison: 10 Paralzation: 11 Rod: 12 Breath: 9 Spell: 11 Weapons and Armor ------------------------------------------------------ Natural: Claw/claw 1-6 +3 Battle Axe (double bladed) 1-8/1-8 One handed long sword 1-8/1-12 6' spear 1-6 Chain mail silenced (wrapped in leather)Condition: New this suit was specally made for his body.considered +2 Briganding Magic Items ------------------------------------------------------ +3 ring of protection 1 potion of Vitality 1 Potion of Invisability ------------------------------------------------------ Equipment ------------------------------------------------------ Worn Large Saddle bags: Fresh wraps for wounds. Salve for quicker healing Belt worn around waist. two pouches contents: Gems (quite a few), Coins, ring of unknown worth Shoulder strap harness for Sword. Quick History ------------------------------------------------------ As a Cub his tribe was attacked only a few survived, He was taken as a slave. For 4 years he served as a grunt forced to carry water for the builders of a castle. Later he was purchached by Elves. They treated him as one of there own and in payment of his freedom he served them as a Healers aprentance. (herbal) They tought him the Ranger skills he needed to know. He was with them for 5 Years, still travels with one from time to time (Donny Brook).. Later Lars found the remainder of his tribe and dicoverd who had attacked them and took his freedom. He Battled the Chief and took over.. Searching for the next 2 years he found all but one of the Men with the Griffin cluching a trident and sword crest and put them in thier well deserved graves.. ---------------------------------------------------- Words to live by: Beware Dragons with bottles of BBQ Northern Wemic