
Everything   you   wanted   to   know   on   Zac

Full name: Zachary Walker Hanson
Nickname: Zac (No K or H at the end!!), Prozac, Animal, Psycho Boy (?)
DOB: October 22, 1985
Sign: Libra
About his sign: He loves people but not huge extremely noisy crowds. He's
 always open to meeting new people but he's known to be seen coming
 out onstage with his hands over his ears even though he's usually the 
 one that persuades the crowds to get louder! He can usually be the
 peacemaker of the family but he'll start an argument just for the fun
 of it! He's good natured and pleasnt but can also be a little sulky,
 especially when he's told to follow orders. If he feels strongly about
 something then he'll get stubborn. He's described as bright and cheerful
 full of frenzied activity, restless bundles of energy. He's sweet 
 expressioned with a cute smile and he's very talkative but can turn 
 around and be a great listener. Mostly he's kind, gentle, fair, artistic
 and very musical!
Age: 12
Education: is currently a 6th grader
Born in: Arlington, Va
Lives in: Tulsa, OK
Height: 5'3" (has been confirmed in their biography. He looks shorter
 though sometimes)
Weight:over 100 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blond, shoulder length and free flowing but sometimes in braids
Shoe size: 8 in mens (?)
Left handed (?)
What he contributes to the music: drums, castanets (only in live performances)
 vocals (mostly background but takes the lead in Lucy. No he does NOT
 sing Man From Milwaukee all though he did write most of it!)
Personality: Tons of energy, outgoing, outrageous, hyper-wired, wacky,
 the born attention-getter, never at a loss for words, always-in-motion,
 extrovert, the most open Hanson and he's the easiest to get to know,
 not sly, not shy, just... out there, calls himself goofy-funny
Style: Although none of the Hansons are slaves to fashion, Zac has to be
 the closest to it. He'll wear everything like bright colors, zany
 fabrics, stuff that no one but Zac could get away with! For example,
 under a normal V-neck black sweater he wore an ORANGE velour top but
 it didn't look too bad! And you can't forget all his yellow clothing!
 It ranges from shirts to pants and even yellow shoes! He's very logo
 free however and on a normal day you'll find him wearing jeans, sweats,
 V-neck T-shirts, zip front sweaters and everyday running shoes. No
 jewelry yet!

~~~~~~~Miscellanous Stuff~~~~~~~
*He's not embarrassed to admit he's still young enough to play with
 his action figures and yes... his Power Rangers go with him to the
*Both he and Tay love art but unlike Tay, Zac will use any medium
 available... even honey and ketchup!
*Loves impersonating TV commercials and Southern drawls
*He won't even take himself seriously and when he first saw MMMBop on TV
 he said, "Oh look at that cute girl! Wait... THAT'S ME!!"
*No matter how nutty he is about everything there's one thing he's 
 consistently serious about. His music!
*He doesn't like being considered a teenybopper and wasn't happy with 
 the pink backdrop that was used in a recent photo shoot because it was
 too "juvenile".
*He's even wary when he's asked about his favorite color! Before he 
 answers he'll ask "Why are you asking me that?"
*Zac does NOT like being left out of a conversation. During an interview
 all the questions were directed to Tay and Ike so he said, "You know,
 I'M not talking here!" and a few minutes later pretended to fall asleep
 but in another interview he just answered the questions with nonsensical
*He says he's so hyper to make up for his major shyness. Well, that 
 shyness sure doesn't show!
*Has been labeled by reporters: "the here-comes-trouble-kid", "the official
 comic relief", "the resident hyper drive", "the ham", "the Jim Carrey-in
 training", "the funny one", "the unabashed crazy one", "easily the clown
 of the band, not afraid to be boisterous and stupid", "the Ritalin kid"
*Fave video game: LaserQuest
*Talent: can talk while burping
*Interests: rollerblading, soccer, playing in their backyard treehouse,
 playing pool, hockey
*Can always make Mac laugh
*When he was little he loved the book Green Eggs and Ham
*Loves to chew gum (look very closely in the MMMbop video!)
*For the overly obssessed Zac fans: it is said he sleeps in a T-shirt
 and boxers
*Tay and Ike compare him to Bart Simpson
*Fave drink: Dr. Pepper, actually all the guys like Dr. Pepper. After
 their concerts they cool down in their dressing rooms with a tall glass
 of it and a scoop of vanilla ice cream (thanks to our friend Vipula for
 this information that she got from the Rick Dees Weekly Top 40!)
*Fave ice cream: chocolate
*Fave saying: "I love you man!"
*When asked what his favorite food was he said he likes too many foods
 to decide on one favorite but at the time he wanted a big bowl of jello!
 By the way, he likes lime jello best and when asked a different time
 he said his favorite food was pizza so I guess we can go with that!
*1st paycheck he wanted a puppy and a Virtual Boy
*Loves Sony Playstation, Sega, and Nintendo 64
*Fave subject: math (wait till he gets farther in it!) and art
*Zac collects bottle caps and those little sample things in hotels
*During an interview with a Swedish mag he kept turning off the tape
*He calls Ike "Ikey-poos"
*He is single and thinks he's too young for dating
*He has a split personality, meaning he can be serious and the next 
day be wild as wild can be.
*During earlier performances: Zac once got so nervous that he started 
 crying and refused to go onstage but Tay and Ike persuaded him to. (?)
 *His first set of drums were too high so he had to sit on a chest to
 reach them but during a drum solo he fell backwards off them! (??)

back home* Ikey-poo...where are you* Tay, Tay...he's over here...* The CREATORS don't know where he is* The LYRICS might have something to do with where he is* This link to the other HANSON PAGES might have some clues* Shhh...we need to hear the sounds...(Hanson Multimedia)* these sounds might help also (Hanson Multimedia 2)*

Geez, don't we all know who's bored...

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