What I Like About McQueen Lake

 On November 8-10 our Grade 5 and 6 class went on an exciting ovenight field trip to McQueen Lake.
Here are some of my favourite hightlights.

 I really enjoyed the hike to the Wawn Homestead.I saw many artifacts in the icehouse such as a boot,a
kettle,pots and pans and a sink.

 Also everyone told their “News of the Day”. I liked it because I learned what everyone else experienced
that day. I had fun sleeping in the cabin because it reminded me of camping and I love camping.

 Everyone had to take turns cooking and on Tuesday morning it was our turn to cook breakfast.  My dad, Layne, Roland, Melissa, Kiara and myself made pancakes, sausages, and fruit.   I was in charge of cooking the sausages.

 I also had a lot of fun orienteering.  It is where you have to find different posts using a map and compass.
When we were playing Mission Impossible Layne and I were hiding beside a deck, we said “lets go” and ran
into my Dad and Layne freaked out.It was a cool game!!! All the kids had to make it from the lodge to the bridge,
in the dark, without having a flashlight shone on them. It was fun but hard!

By Connor Kulchyski