" "

The perfect title for a review of the final episode of the show about 
nothing.  What would you call the end of nothing?

The network over-hyped the "Sein-Off".  The worst part was the way 
NBC promoted the end of  Seinfeld.  The show has always been down-
toned since it’s beginning.  No outrageous ad campaigns.  All the 
sudden the countdown to the final episode is being advertised and 
talked about everywhere.  Of course this would not be the first time 
that the television/movie industry has over-hyped something.  Case 
in point, Willow.  Do I need to say more?

The final episode was not the fabulous show that it was made out to 
be.  But that is good, if it was then it wouldn’t have been Seinfeld. 
It was not utterly fantastic but it was the perfect ending to the 
show about nothing.

Like most of the episodes it was complete in itself, not dependent on 
any other episode.  It didn’t leave you hanging.  

Also like most of the other episodes, it began normal, some excite-
ment comes along and by the end the excitement is gone.  Like so 
many episodes where one little facet of life is blown out of propor-
tion and serves as the primary theme of the show.  Some other norm-
ally minor event in life comes along and overrides the theme, and by 
the end it all is unimportant and life goes on.  All be it in this 
case not quite normal, but none of the characters seem really affect-
ed by it.  They are still their usual selves.  Like so many other 
episodes it ends on the tone of  "Oh well".  For instance "The 
Contest", begins innocently enough.  Then the "Master of My Domain" 
contest begins.  Jerry’s girlfriend is horrified by it and leaves 
him.  And at the end Jerry is just like "oh well".  At the end of 
this final episode, Jerry is doing is act at the prison dining room.  
Life goes on.  He even says as they are walking down the hallway to 
the holding cell that they will be in for a year and then they will 
be back.

Another thing that fits this episode into the whole series is the 
typical attitude they have had from the beginning.  The New York 
attitude towards events going on around them.  It is fun to watch 
and even to comment on, but don’t get involved.  And to top it off 
Kramer is video taping it.  And of course they are sitting in court 
during the trial and all these bad aspects of their characters are 
being brought out and all they do is give a look of oh well.  They 
don’t even try to defend themselves.  It is so much within their 
character that it in itself is funny.  And of course, even when 
George should be on his best behavior he is still flying off the 
handle, but not at anything even semi-productive.  Jerry sits there 
like everything will work itself out.  Kramer as usual is clueless.  
And Elaine is the queen bee.  

Newman is perfect in this episode.  Sitting in the sidelines relish-
ing in Jerry’s downfall.  He comes out not to testify as a character 
witness, but simply to watch.  He camps in his car just so that he 
can relish in the whole situation and watch Jerry fall.

I have heard some comments about the characters interaction with each 
other.  It was said that there was not enough interaction there.  But 
that is what makes this so perfect.  Their general indifference to 
the whole situation and for what other people think of them is what 
made their characters what they were.  Their New York attitude de-
scribed earlier would not allow them to do anything but sit in dis-
belief at what was happening to them.  And as far as interaction with 
each other what more was there for them to interact with each other 
than what they did?

Overall, I think this was a very good episode.  Not great, not fan-
tastic, but good and perfect for the end of the show.  There is 
nothing that needs to be changed to make it better.

You are the th Feldian.

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