Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.--Mark Twain
What's that old adage? Oh, absence of war does not equate peace. Somebody better get Cindy Sheehan on the blower and tell her she ought not lick those leftover acid-dipped stamps from the '68 protest march.
World Expresses Dismay Over Iran Remarks By JILL LAWLESS The Associated Press Thursday, October 27, 2005; 10:38 AM LONDON -- Governments around the world expressed shock and scorn Thursday at the Iranian president's call for Israel to be "wiped off the map," and several summoned Tehran's envoys in their capitals for a reprimand. However, Israeli calls for Iran to be expelled from the United Nations over the remarks by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were not immediately taken up by other nations. In a speech Wednesday, Ahmadinejad denounced Israel and said a new wave of Palestinian attacks "will wipe this stigma from the face of the Islamic world." Citing the words of the founder of Iran's Islamic revolution, the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Ahmadinejad said: "Israel must be wiped off the map." |
We wouldn't want Bush to give the order to invade Iran, would we? Nah, nah. Better stick with the diplomacy and the U.N. sanctions route. That works every time it's tried in a parallel universe just over there yonder a ways.
And we had better deliver a very stern warning to Iran. If you manage to nuke Israel anytime soon, we will be very, very upset and suspend the shipments of soccer balls to all Third World countries. We're serious. Ask those Mexicans.
The Citizens Voice
Vigil participants express opposition to war in Iraq By:Robert Kalinowski 10/27/2005 As the candles for Wednesday night's peace vigil in Wilkes-Barre were being lit, Mary Vitale posed some questions to fellow opponents of the Iraq War. "Where are all the families in this area?" Vitale asked. "Where are all our veterans?" Vitale was among six people gathered on Public Square to mark the grim milestone of 2,000 U.S. deaths since the war began in March 2003. The five others included a Kingston couple, their two teenage daughters and a 59-year-old former Air Force captain representing Veterans For Peace. David Martin, who served in the military from 1968 to 1973, opened the 6:30 p.m. event by reading from a sheet of names of U.S. servicemen and women from Pennsylvania killed in Iraq. The others held signs, such as "2,000 DEAD," "Pray for the families," and "Bring the soldiers home" during the 20-minute vigil. "I think it's a sad milestone," Martin said. "It's a foolish war. It's an illegitimate war." The Tunkhannock man was among a handful of people who gathered on Public Square to protest the war each Tuesday for a period of time last year. He believes public opinion is finally beginning to sway as the death toll continues to mount, the insurgency shows no signs of dwindling and no exit strategy has been defined. Mary Kline, 37, said she organized the vigil after getting an e-mail request from, a Democrat-leaning Political Action Committee. The organization was hosting anti-war vigils nationwide Wednesday night. "A year ago I held a sign that said 1,000 dead and I'm here a year later with a sign that doubled. That scares me," the Kingston woman said. "It makes you wonder where everyone else is to support these people." |
God luv 'em, they're entitled to their opinions they co-opted from, but at this point, listening to these half-wits prattling on and on with the same tired talking points is akin to listening to the Chant of the Ever Circling Skeleton Family at maximum volume. For those of you born before the advent of the gerbil-powered record players, that was a reference to a David Blowie tune from the 70s.
"Where are all the families in this area?"
Um, I imagine they're all busy doing humdrum family things never to be confused with saving the world by way of some parafin sticks. It's painfully obvious they weren't trying to display some sort of hack-kneed moral superiority by staging a protest that nobody really gives a flying funk about.
Reminds me of the nimrods with the 'Save The Wild Animals' license plates on their cheezy plastic cars. Oooooh! You care. You care more than I do. I should be ashamed of myself for not caring as much as you do. I must atone for my lack of caring by getting myself a pink 'Save The Beavers' T-shirt. If only those superior do-gooders knew that the funds generated by those animal plates go to prop up both the Philly and Pittsburgh zoos. Talk about not doing your homework before displaying your obvious moral superiority in public. Whew! There's a word for those people. That's right...dummies.
It's a foolish war. It's an illegitimate war."
It's an illegal war. It's a immoral war. It's a war for oil. It's a war to revenge Daddy Bush' Gulf War shortcomings. It's a war for oil pipelines. It's a war for Amoco and Exxon. It's a war for the Neocon chicken hawks. It's a war for (insert the latest). Blah, blah, f>cking blah. Think, people. You've got a world-wide war simmering right in front of your eyes, and yet, the only enemy you see is the one who sent Al Gore back to Alpha-Male land.
Funny, when Bill Clinton said there were WMDs in Iraq, no one doubted it for a nanosecond. When the U.N. rattled their wiffleball bats over Iraq's WMDs, we supported the latest newfangled sanctions that were put in place, but never enforced. When Madeleine Albright said much the same thing, we were cursing that dangerous country. When John Kerry repeated those WMD accusations, it was getting to be old news already. But when Bush said there were WMD in Iraq...well, that was a bald-faced lie. Some of you people should take a moment to listen to yourselves. I am truly embarrassed for you. I piss in your general direction on most days, but, still, part of me feels bad for you.
I'm not feeling upbeat about your chances in life being that you're so easily manipulated by banal political rhetoric. But, you do have my sympathies. And if I may be so bold, I'll pay the freight iffin' you're willing to have your reproductive tracts surgically altered. There's no sense polluting the world any further.
You people just don't get it, do you? It doesn't matter what you do to Bush. You can work to trash his approval ratings. You can have him impeached. You can burn candles. And you can toss him into a 20-gallon pot with some chicken base and dumplings to help feed the poor. But the fact remains that the murderous Jihadists and murderous tyrants will still have to be dealt with. Put one of your Michael Moore disciples in the White House if you must, but the loons with the bomb belts will still be working to blow your entire family to smithereens.
And try this on for size. Did you read what Iran's new top dog had to say about Israel? What do you think the Israelis are going to do when they determine that Iran is getting really close to producing an exportable nuclear weapon? They don't have the capibility to refuel fighter/attack aircraft all the way to Iran, so their other option is to launch tactical nukes from one of their three German-built diesel submarines.
Do you really think that by making George Bush go away, you're going to make the war go away? Not bloody likely, kiddies. In my opinion, we've been treated to opening salvos so far. Hang on to your candles, dimwits. The road ahead will likely get very, very bumpy.
Republican vs. Democrat? I don't think so. At this point I see all of that political infighting as a distraction from the actual battle, most of which still awaits us.
I know, I know. He stole the election and he gave a tax cut to the rich. And what happens when the same bullspit gets repeated enough?Like I said, I'm not feeling upbeat about your chances in life.
Speaking out against a war in the middle of the town square with a candle in your hand is not being patriotic. More to the point, it's politicking. And if put you up to it--you're a hapless marionette.
Prattle on.
A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.--Robert Frost
Democrats suggested the indictment was just the tip of the iceberg. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the case was larger than Libby and "about how the Bush White House manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to bolster its case for the war in Iraq and to discredit anyone who dared to challenge the president.", 10-28-05
Gotcha. I can follow that (?). So, the two-year investigation wasn't really about who outed a CIA agent. Rather, it was about something altogether different. At least, that's what the lightweight Senate Minority Leader is now saying. We're suddenly back to square one: Bush lied. Um, just like his predecessor did.
It's all about political revenge. If you can't win the political day, you toss around frivolous indictments, and then those under indictment are put at risk of being ensnared in something or other, one way or another. This has been tried during every administration since Nixon, so is any wonder that Washington D.C. has come to symbolize debilitating gridlock while the world as a whole has grown increasingly volatile, if not outright hostile?
So much for fixing social security. So much for fixing medicare. So much for taking care of any important business. I hate to have to smack you local Democrats in the chops, but all that seems to matter to your heroes in D.C. is obliterating Dubya's second term agenda. Our enormous and long-festering problems will just have to wait until after the next presidential election to be addressed. That's where we're at, kiddies. Reign in the spending, buy some iodine pills and hunker on down. The plain fact is, it's party first, country second.
That slippery slope that America has become just got a helluva lot more slippery. And when '9/11: The Sequel' finally comes down--our economy is going to implode.
"Scooter" Libby is toast. Great. Let's party while we still can. Criminalizing politics will only serve to scare away this country's best and brightest from "public servce."
Keep it up. Just keep it up. If I don't end up face down in a killing field somewhere, I'll see you at the re-education camps. Praise be to Allah, while the Democrats seek out their revenge for whatever it is that has them frothing at the mouth these days. What's the latest? They're not still stuck on Diebold, Halliburton and Big Oil, are they?
The Republicans have a few slushballs of their own.
Junior BAR-R-R-NES...Oh, Junior BAR-R-R-R-NES. YOU GUNKY!!!
The first half of the following e-mail was sent in response to the callers of WILK. The second part was definately meant for the host. It's a total gas being able to argue about baseball with chicks. Nice change of pace.
Actually, it was during the '91 World Series when the Twins were allowed to cheat. Oh, and, it's the Jet Stream that blows through them northern states, not the Gulf Stream. But you knew what I meant. Anybody remember Kent Hrbek, literally, wrestling Ron Gant off of first base only to be called out by an umpire with knee caps where his eyes should have been? Then again, does anybody even remember Kent Hrbek. It's not like he gave you any reason to other than by cheating and getting away with it during a World Series broadcast.
Massive fans? Like, people you mean? You crack me up, Babs.
I deleted that stupid forum page of ours. I've about had it with the anonymous drivel that seems to fuel so much of what the internet has become. If you cannot attach your name to your comments you do not deserve to be heard. That's where I've arrived at.
Last night I visited that assinine blog created to trash our police department and post after post after post is little more than slander posted by anonymous cowards. He sells drugs. She has roaches. She beats her kids. He beats her kids. She's an alcoholic. He sells drugs at the pizza parlor. She's a slut. She also takes it in the ass. Oh, and the cops suck.
What it all amounts to is everybody hiding behind the curtain of anonymity is a tough guy ready to mouth off in less than a moment's notice. In a nutshell, it's useless and regrettable bilge.
If you've got something clever to add to this eclectic mix, send your comments along and properly identify yourself. No more fraidy cats.
And you wanna know what, or who finally caused me pull the plug on the anonymous bilge? Jim McCarthy. If I was a sitting councilman, the very last thing I would do would be to engage an internet madman such as myself, especially when you consider that the internet is not big on rules of engagement. I could have sliced and diced his comments to pieces and tried to embarrass him. I could do anything I want to with what he sends my way. But he sent them along just the same, and...he clearly identified himself. In my mind, coming from a local elected politician, that requires some balls, if not some confidence in one's self. Now, if someone who's got something to lose isn't afraid to battle it out on the internet, then what's up with so many of you?
Scared, heh? No problemo. They're waiting for you over at Doughnuts R Us.
Did you know Becky takes it in the ass?
Borrow my freaking CDs? Are you huffing PVC glue again? Take my wife. Take my kids. Take my Mother's ashes. But get off of the CD kick!
The Citizens Voice
Cars and bicycles must both pay attention 10/26/2005 Editor: Reading the "Your Voice" article on Oct. 19 pertaining to bicyclists really hit home with me. The reason being that I feel the same way except I feel strongly about the cyclists' safety as well. First of all, bikes do have the right to be on the roads (most-depending on area). The main problem as I see it is people just don't pay attention. I operate both a bike and an automobile. I read the street signs, one in particular says "share the road" with a little picture of a bicycle just beneath. That sign is there for the safety of both bikes and cars. I notice a lot today of people driving cars while being on the phone, eating, drinking, putting on lipstick, etc. They are the same people that miss the road signs, go right through yield signs, don't use blinkers, and frankly just are not paying attention. When you get behind the wheel of a car, it is your obligation to pay attention to your surroundings. You must be responsible and drive defensively. The same rules apply to bikers. Of all the drivers bothered so much by us bikers, I ask for this: read your road signs, obey the road signs, use your blinkers, pay attention to your surroundings, get off your phones, be responsible for your choices, and share the road, as the sign says.
Lisa Perry
I'm good with all of that.
Helmsman Sulu was gay??? Whoa! I guess that would explain why Spock never, ever beamed down to the surfaces of any planets all alone with him.
Captain, anal sex is highly illogical.
Rosa Parks is set to lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda. No one should have a problem with that. All that the lady demanded was some dignity. Hers truly was a shot heard round the world.
Me gots to go. All of a sudden, I'm knee-deep in grandkids (rodents).