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"Truth no longer matters in the context of politics and, sadly, in the context of cable news."--Aaron Brown, former CNN anchor
Um...like, we didn't know as much already???
This first appeared last night on the Times Leader's web site and was published on today's editorial page. If you missed this one, please give it a read. If it's done relatively well it should prove to be fascinating. We can only hope.
I think we will take up the judge’s challenge to find out how much crime here is imported from the big city.
We will soon be producing an interactive police blotter on our Web site. It will be a feature that readers can manipulate to track crime in our region. Eventually, maybe we can determine whether outsiders are a catalyst for more crime here in a way that is not just anecdotal. Drop me a line, give me a call or send me an e-mail if you have an opinion about crime here. Matt Golas is editor of the Times Leader. You can reach him at 829-7162 or e-mail mgolas@leader.net. |
C'mon! Slow news year? What's the matter? The sudden lack of murders, shootings and stabbings got you down? Things will pick up.
Bottom of the barrel? Be nice. You're too tense. Click on the following link and cheer the funk up. It won't hurt.
Then again, if happy thoughts are not what you seek, you could follow this link and try to be more like me. C'mon, man. Aim high for a change.
(To be played at maximum volume only)
No cheatin'. Crank it up.
Sez me.
Today we learned that an arrest was made in the Club Metro stabbing incident. Wonderful. I awoke to find 2 more e-mails from locals who have no problem at all with having their teenaged kids attending shows at that club. Again, wonderful. It works for you. Goodie. It doesn't work for me, but apparently I'm an extreme case. I'm a big meanie of a father. Wonderful.
From today's Times Leader:
Posted on Fri, Jan. 27, 2006
Charges filed in skinhead stabbings Jason R. Honeywell is charged with assault in melee at Café Metropolis in W-B. By KEVIN AMERMAN and KRIS WERNOWSKY kamerman@leader.net kwernowsky@leader.net WILKES-BARRE – A Kingston man has been charged with stabbing two men during a recent melee outside Café Metropolis that witnesses say was started by members of a statewide skinhead group. Jason R. Honeywell, 20, was arraigned Wednesday night on four counts of felony aggravated assault. He’s accused of stabbing Sean Fitzmaurice of Ashley and Timothy David Alonso of Wharton, N.J., outside the South Main Street club on Jan. 7 after a show. Witnesses to the fracas told police the stabbing victims are members of a rival skinhead group. Honeywell, listed in prison records as 6 feet 2 inches tall and 300 pounds, was sent to the Luzerne County Correctional Facility by District Judge Joseph Zola of Hazleton in lieu of $50,000 straight bail. Honeywell declined an interview with the Times Leader on Thursday. Sean “Hutch” Hutchinson, who described himself as a traditional skinhead, was at the club the night of the stabbings. He said a small group of Keystone State Skinheads, including Honeywell, began making Nazi hand signals during a performance by the band River Side Riot, whose lead singer, Mike Lungs, is black. “They were giving kids dirty looks and giving the ‘sieg heil,’ ” Hutchinson said. Traditional skinheads and SHARPS, skinheads against racial prejudice, are generally at loggerheads with neo-Nazi or white power skinheads, who they call “boneheads.” The Keystone State Skinheads formed in 2001 “to unite all racially aware skinheads in the state of Pennsylvania,” according to the organization’s Web site. A message left on the KSS’s statewide hot line Thursday was returned with a simple and anonymous, “Request denied.” |
They are "...racially aware..." You do understand what that code really means, don't you? These folks are purveyors of hate. You may have no problem with your kids being exposed to these nice (?) young men, but I would. The front page of their site reads as follows, "Coming to a neighborhood near you." And come they did. Oh, and two people got stabbed.
Their links page is a bit of an eye-opener. I'd want my 13-year-old exposed to this sort of hatred on parade. First up, David "KKK" Duke.
Here's a snippet of his "work."
Already, we see our people face the institutionalized racism and discrimination of so-called affirmative action. This massive government promoted racial discrimination goes on in scholarships, in college and union admittance, in jobs, in promotions, and in contracts against better-qualified European Americans. We see vast areas of America where millions of White families are forced to endure the great financial burden of sending their children to private or church schools. They don’t dare send their children to educationally failing and dangerous public schools that their very own taxes finance. Fewer and fewer Whites are willing to send their children to institutions of anti-White racism, hatred, drugs, violence and gross educational failure. Many schools even have a prevailing anti-White, anti-women, violent culture of gangster rap and are filled with the dark young gangsters to be. They are not places for the children of any thoughtful and caring parent. |
Dark? RUTRO! Sadly, this high-profile racist has quite the following with the registered voters in his neck of the backwoods.
Here's an organization you might want your kid exposed to. It's got some really, really nifty photos of cross burnings.
If you are not of the White race, this web site is not for the likes of YOU! We reserve the right of free speech to state our views whether our enemies like it or not. The IKA hates: Muds, spics, kikes and niggers. This is our God given right! In no way do we advocate violence. We believe in educating our people to the monopolistic Jewish control of the world's banks, governments, and media. White education is what ZOG hates and why it tries to imprison White Racialists. |
Everyone else seems to be rewriting history, so why can't the hateful folks do likewise? Click on this link and teach your kids what a bad rap Adolf Hitler is getting. According to the Thules, Hitler was a really swell guy. Go figure.
This guy is an extraordinary moonbat. I like that Confederate flag he posed in front of.
These folks are interesting. Very nice use of the Confederate flag, and I really like that redesigned swastika.
So, far be it from me to tell anyone how to raise their kids. But I thought I'd do a bit of homework and provide you with a clue as to some of the race warriors this local club has exposed your kids to.
He used to cut the grass. He used to be a very nice boy.
That's from a Zappa song, but I'd bet good money it closely mirrors what was said immediately following the senseless Columbine massacre.
"We the ( IKA) are now accepting applicants for the Realm of Pennsylvania. If You would like to become an active member and work for the Advancement of the White Race, and a future for our White children to grow up in....."
Orval Faubus lives on!!!
I'm just sayin'.
Maybe the mayor should close the borders afterall?
I'm not black, but there's a whole lot of times I wish I could say I'm not white.--Francis Vincent Zappa
I love comic books. My first love was probably flippin' baseball cards at recess. But comic books were always a close second. I never got into the superhero variety. I preferred the adventures of Archie, Jughead, Veronica and Betty, but I'm mental like that. Whatever. If you were into comic books way back when and feel like revisiting a part of your past--click on this link.
What the hell has happened to Al Gore? I think he was hit in the head by Hillary one too many times.
A news snippet from, of all places, The Calgary Herald:
Gore accuses big oil of bankrolling Tories
Election laws only allow $1,000 corporate donations "The election in Canada was partly about the tar sands projects in Alberta," said former U.S. vice-president Al Gore. Renata D'Aliesio and Katherine Monk, Calgary Herald; CanWest News Service Published: Thursday, January 26, 2006 Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore has accused the oil industry of financially backing the Tories and their "ultra-conservative leader" to protect its stake in Alberta's lucrative oilsands. Canadians, Gore said, should vigilantly keep watch over prime minister-designate Stephen Harper because he has a pro-oil agenda and wants to pull out of the Kyoto accord -- an international agreement to combat climate change. "The election in Canada was partly about the tar sands projects in Alberta," Gore said Wednesday while attending the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. "And the financial interests behind the tar sands project poured a lot of money and support behind an ultra-conservative leader in order to win the election . . . and to protect their interests." |
Whatever happened to the Gentlemen's Agreement that held sway in national politics for a couple of hundred years? Oh. I remember. That went the way of the dinosaurs after Bill and Hillary were forced to exit the big house. Once upon a time, the big dogs kept their mouths shut after they were removed from the national political stage. But...then the Clintonistas changed the rules. Again! I guess that Gentlemen's Agreement is just another 'living, breathing' unwritten rule that is subject to change when anything endangers the incremental, but steady descent into socialism.
As for Kyoto Al, where there's evil "Big Oil," there's Al. And it's really sad to watch. I'm really worried about him. Whatever.
I got it, Al. "Big Oil" ruined Canada, too. (?)
He's off the meds again.
From The New York Sun:
January 26, 2006 Edition > Section: Foreign
Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says By IRA STOLL - Staff Reporter of the Sun January 26, 2006 The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed. The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "Saddam's Secrets," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun. "There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over." Mr. Sada's comments come just more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria." Democrats have made the absence of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a theme in their criticism of the Bush administration's decision to go to war in 2003. And President Bush himself has conceded much of the point; in a televised prime-time address to Americans last month, he said, "It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong." Said Mr. Bush, "We did not find those weapons." |
Spirited to Syria? Jeez. Dubya ain't got nuthin' on this liar.
Liar! Liar! Chemical suits on fire!!!
Your Chia Pet ran away?