Slow news day. Ah, hell! There’s always somethin‘ we can haggle about?
Hayna? Or…Hayna, or no?
Acme Market ? Or…Ack-a-me Market?
Dandelions? Or…Piss-the-beds?
Company picnic? Or…Company pitnik?
Popsicle? Or…popsiggle?
Bicycle? Or..biciggle?
Derriere? Or…dupa?
Fecal matter? Or…caca?
I await your responses. Chochi Annie needs to know. Heyna, huh already!
GAZA CITY (AP) -- Tens of thousands of angry Muslims marched through Palestinian cities, burning the Danish flag and calling for vengeance Friday against European countries where caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad were published.
Angry protests against the drawings spread in the Muslim world. In Washington, the State Department criticized the drawings, calling them "offensive to the beliefs of Muslims." In Iraq, thousands demonstrated after Friday mosque prayers, and the country's leading Shiite cleric denounced the drawings. About 4,500 people rallied in the southern city of Basra and burned the Danish flag… |
Great. Now a couple of editorial cartoons have become the latest excuse for fomenting hate and calling for the destruction of other peoples. Is it just me, our does this religion instill perpetual rage in it‘s followers? Every fu>king day presents yet another opportunity--another excuse--to be outraged by something or other. The slightest perceived insult--another excuse--results in calls for revenge, death and destruction, or all-out war.
So what’s next? More hostages? More beheadings? Nifty. Burn down France again? Blowing up busses and subway trains is always fun. London anyone? How ‘bout Madrid revisited? Hold on. I got it. How ‘bout toppling a few more skyscrapers? Those are all justifiable responses to an editorial cartoon. (?)
And they wonder why we mock them.
I see the Citizens‘ Voice published a letter from Councilman Jim McCarthy regarding the effort to convert the Planter’s Peanuts administration building into a museum. I don’t feel like getting into all of that tonight, but here’s a link of local interest worth exploring. This site is expansive and includes tons of pictures.
We’ve reminisced on these pages many times about what we loved about Wilkes-Barre’s once glorious downtown, but rarely does Woolworths rate a mention. Growing up I spent as much time in the basement toy and pet departments at Woolworths as I did anywhere else in the old downtown. And Grandma always had time for lunch at the luncheonette. Burgers, fries, a Coke and then the banana splits. Remember the promotion? You picked a balloon from the inflated cluster at the hostess counter, your waitress stabbed it and then the tiny strip of paper contained therein announced how much the dessert would set you back. It could be $1.99, or it could be a penny. But you never knew until the balloon exploded.
Obviously I was easily amused as a boy. Whatever. Anywho, the following site is really interesting:
Just in case you missed it, I linked to this site on the main page:
Pennsylvania Theatre News
Wilkes Barre, PA - Coming Spring of 2006 The Wilkes Barre Movies 14 will offer stadium seating, rocking chairs, Dolby Digital sound, digital projection, game and party rooms as well as a VIP viewing area You can follow the progress of construction at the following link:
I really don‘t feel like arguing about the Café Metropolis either, but the following e-mail in defense of the club is definitely worthy of a look.
I will say this, if the owners are upgrading the sprinklers and complying in every other way, then, by all means, rock on! At least the kids will be properly protected from a fiery catastrophe.
Now all they need is a way to keep the Hitler Youth from blowing into town.
And there you have it. An e-mail from one of the kids that didn’t play hooky when the ‘portant stuff was being taught. I don‘t know, but Frisbee and Pull the Peg seemed real important to me way back when. It was a tough one trying to explain to the assistant principal how and why my cousin could end up with a compound fracture of his upper leg in the middle of Kirby Park when we were supposed to be eating lunch in Coughlin’s cafeteria. The gigantic buck knife wasn’t too easy to explain, either. Doh!
Although, I will take issue with this part of the e-mail:
And to all the people thinking that the theater will help the city out a lot, it won't. People will not pay $10 to see a movie when they can go to the mall to the small theater there and see it for $4, or just wait two months and get the DVD. The movie industry is currently experiencing downturns in the theater market. The internet and DVD markets however have been very successful, and probably will take over much of theater markets in the coming years. Dinosaurs will die, and Wilkes-Barre will be stuck with a $30 million abandoned theater, or a theater that can't make money within 5-10 years. One new building will not fix major problems in the downtown. People will continue to go to the mall and other businesses around that area before they think of coming downtown until a real attraction opens in the area that will lure them in.
Dude, I got 3 kids and 4 grandkids. My kids take in movies in Dunmore all the time, but now they’ll do so in downtown Wilkes-Barre. My grandkids are pumped and ready to enjoy the moving-going experience. I keep telling them we’re going to see movies as big as a house and they like the sound of that. Sorry, but watching a DVD at home does not compare to watching a movie in a theater. It never has, and it never will no matter how many watts we pump through the surround-sound systems.
The film industry is in a slump because the product has really sucked of late. With rare exceptions, we’ve been skipping the steady diet of movie remakes and the agenda-driven drivel that passes as filmmaking these days. “The Day after Tomorrow” comes to mind off of the top of my head. We can’t just escape reality for two hours and watch the world be leveled by a killer storm. (Cool.) No! No! We need Randy Quaid to lecture us about how we are destroying the Earth. Blah, blah, fu>king blah. Where’s that fargin’ remote?
Actually, our local movie market is underserved, hence, RC Theaters is coming to town. If they didn’t stand to make a profit, they wouldn’t be coming. The cineplex in Dunmore is too far away. The one in Edwardsville is ancient--certainly not state-of-the-art by any stretch of the imagination. And the theaters in the mall are akin to watching a movie in a closet.
In all honesty, there is much more going on in, and even more planned for downtown Wilkes-Barre than “one new building.” You know that. Plus, rising energy costs and the slowdown of the housing market will make urban settings attractive again before too much longer. The world’s oil supply is controlled by a collection of tyrants that are with increasing frequency rattling sabers. If people think $2.50-$3.00 is a lot to pay for a single gallon of gas--just wait and see what it’ll cost them when Iran, or Venezuela shuts off the spigots. Sprawl plus bigger and bigger SUVs plus increasing crude oil prices equals a return to an urban setting. You’ll see.
And what is a “real attraction” anyway? Seriously, tell me. What is a “real attraction?” If we made you Mayor, what would you do to attract people to the downtown? You’re not going to find a developer willing to risk his own capital on building a new mall a mile and a half away from the Wyoming Valley Mall. One Steamtown is enough in any given area. The baseball stadium and hockey palace ideas are already covered. Really? What would you do?
I suggested that a motocross track be created on McGroarty’s Holeplex site, but nobody frickin’ listens to me. My Frank Zappa museum suggestion was summarily dismissed by the Chamber folks. Nobody liked my spaceport idea. I’m fresh out of brilliant ideas.
You tell me, man. And remember, as mayor you are not allowed to print your own money. Consider the ever-present budget constraints.
By the way, RC Theatres is currently hiring for the following positions in the Wilkes-Barre area:
Concession Attendants
Usher/Door Persons
(Note to college students: Free movies is one of the benefits being offered.)
Nah, I absolutely love S&J Hoagies just off Main Street in Ashley. I think it’s located on St. Mary’s Road, but I’m not, like, totally sure. (Valley Girl speak?) I’ll check out Vino’s, though. If we don’t support our local businesses--we won’t have any local businesses.
Anyway, thanks for the heads-up.
No problemo. Actually, that link should have been there since day one.
I think the kiddies at the Wilkes-Barre campus should have to study my site for an entire semester.
Call it Don’t let this happen to you 101. (HUM101)
In case you’re worried about me, my eardrums are just fine. Last night was a high-decibel A through Z adventure. Let’s see, I did Abba, Zappa, Sparks, Tenacious D, The Presidents of the United States of America, Talking Heads, Violent Femmes, XTC, Billy Idol, West Side Story and Ziggy Stardust.
That’s enough for one night, hayna?
Or no?
I’m gonna go watch a DVD. The theater is still a couple of months away. I think I’ll spin “Red Dawn.” No agendas. No moralizing. No lectures. Just some good ole’ American high school kids killin’ scores of marauding Russian soldiers. It’s called escapism. And escapism is what sells copious amounts of movie tickets.
Somebody get Hollywood on the blower.