I‘m being asked by a lot of people what names I’ve heard being bandied about as possible candidates for the upcoming election.
Unlike many others Web sites, this oasis is not, nor has it ever been known for repeating idle gossip and persistent rumors. I told you the downtown Wendy’s was closing in August and a local newspaper went and investigated. Both the manager and owner of that long-established retail concern denied, in print, that a closure was in the works. And then, just as I had forewarned, the store closed up shop in August when it’s lease expired.
I told you a high-ranking member of the Chamber said the prospects were “very good” that new retail concerns would be popping up early in 2007 as many “letters of interest” had been signed. And our Mayor was recently quoted as saying some of those empty storefronts will be filling up “by the Spring of 2007.” Simply put, rumors don’t cut it. Facts do.
According to the Election Bureau site, the first day to circulate petitions is February 13 and candidate packets will be available on the 1st of February. In other words, for the purposes of electioneering, we’ve still got some time to kill, but not much.
What have I heard? I’ve heard five names mentioned as possible Nord End council candidates, but only one has said as much in public. And until someone else steps forward and declares, I’m not divulging any names. That’s for them to do.
And then there’s this murmuring drumbeat about myself possibly jumping into the political fray. Skeletons in the closet? You bet your ass. Remember now, I was the unaccredited inventor of “Strip Volleyball.” I’ve tapped more kegs than your average bear. I curse too much. On most days, I think like a juvenile. Luckily, I rarely behave like one. But the biggest reason I would never aspire to such a prominent position is because I would get myself fired.
Unlike our current council members, there’s absolutely no way I’d sit there and flash a feigned smile while some loser calls me every name in the book. Nope, I’m not going to sit there and be repeatedly slandered by no Geico Caveman stunt double. I won’t tolerate the perpetually ranting activist who has exactly half of his facts right on his best of days. I’m going to lose my patience with people demanding that I waste scant financial resources on a broken firehouse that would be condemned in Kabul. My brain would shut down while having to listen to the short-term, myopic slop that the would-be leaders typically offer when it’s crystal clear that economic investment is the result of long-term planning. My temper would be beckoning me to release it while the taxpayer advocates with nothing better to do rail against every investment in the future as a needless expense. Nope, I’m simply too mercurial to have to suffer through the usual idiocy that is ranting and raving while armed with half the facts.
Why can’t we pave Conyngham Avenue, Mr. Cour! You freaking double-dipping good ole boy!
Son, if you don’t already know, why are you carrying on in public? Do your homework, boy, before you start shooting your mouth off. Double-dipper? I know you aren’t talking to me you bleeping bleep bleeper. You bleep. You want to bleeping take it outside, you bleep sucker? Huh? Huh?
Kwitcherfu>kinbelyacin!!! Smarten up!!! And buy a bar of soap already!!!
You wanna give me the gavel?
I’d likely make for some entertaining headlines, but I’d get fired right quick. Picture yourself reading the news accounts of a council meeting and letting out with “He said what?!? Holy frig!“ As I’ve alluded to many, many times before, I’m not a big fan of abject idiocy. And since our city council meetings generally attract the very best of the idiotic, I’d prefer to work elsewhere.
But thanks for asking.
Coming soon: Why I’d get fired if I were a cop.
Yeah, Carney’s comments did not go unnoticed by the debatable dam’s many opponents. And what’s this reference to Kanjorski’s “…leadership on this issue,” as Carney put it? Leadership? If the dam was such an unmistakably magnificent proposal, why has it taken so damn long to get the required permits and what have you? If it’s such an exceptionally brilliant idea, why can’t Paul Kanjorski get it done?
In my denuded mind, the new guy, Carney, is just playing along with the veteran to get along. And just wait until he starts speaking out on some major environmental issue at some future point. Then we’ll just have to remind him that he supported damming undeniably the most environmentally-challenged stretch of a river that spans 444 miles.
He’s building his congressional track record, and going about it all wrong.
So, Hillary Clinton has finally invited “that vast right-wing conspiracy” to rear it’s ugly head all over again. This is going to be a good one to watch. This lady has more political and personal baggage than a convoy of fully-loaded Martz buses. The 60’s radical feminist adroitly turned career centrist. The socialist ideologue turned cautious Senator. She votes on strictly partisan lines and then talks out of the bipartisan side of her mouth as the next election nears.
In her radicalized mind, “It takes a village.”
See commune, communism, socialism, Marxism, or cultism. Try Jim Jones or Charles Manson. Think aging 60’s holdovers. Real MoveOn.org, or Green Party lunacy. Forced income redistribution in a super nanny-state. Failed every time it’s been tried.
If I was hoping to be the biggest political dog of them all, I wouldn’t want to be saddled with her track record. I say she can’t win. What do you say?
Queen Hillary?
Or President To Be Announced?
I think that should be taught in our high schools.
I have to cut this internet gibberish short today. You know, NFL championship games.
But let me ask you this. Would you vote for someone who had the following to say to me?
“In reading some of your material I see that we have a lot in common.”