I‘m Mark Cour and I approved this message.
Not only is my opponent a known pederast with a PHD in bestiality, he listens to the freak formerly known as Prince.
Thank you.
I’m listening to WILK’s live coverage of the very soon-to-be Hillary Clinton visit to Scranton. Sue Henry sounds like she’s high on anticipation-driven adrenaline and Steve Corbett may be the very first person on record to be hyperventilating during a massive stroke. And Joe Thomas is at the airport and sounds all short of breath and knee-wobbled at the mere sighting of Hillary exiting the plane.
Guys, guys, guys!…calm the funk down already. It’s not like she’s a rock star or anything. I mean, it’s not like she’s got any real talent, or a bulk of legendary work. She’s an overbearing Marxist feminist/hippie with enough driving ambition to motivate an entire battalion of suicide bombers. She’s a vicious political opportunist, a shameless carpetbagger and her biggest claim to fame is her pretending to a have a real marriage with old what’s his name, that immoral huckster of a reckless playboy from the only state in the union that ranks 51st in every category worth being ranked.
Hillary? Whoop-effing-ee, she touched my hand. Oh, I’ll never wash it again. I think I’m going to faint right after I climax.
I’d much prefer it if AC/DC was coming to Scranton today. Angus would make me wail like a schoolgirl. Maybe I wouldn’t wash my hand again if Slash’s pick graced it. But seriously. We’ve got three people purporting to be seasoned journalists acting like pre-pubescent girls at a Menudo event.
Hey Gort. I’m wondering why the Clinton people were willing to issue you a press pass, but not me. I can’t figure it out.
First of all, I do realize that the on-air hosts manage to annoy, anger, alienate and enrage callers and listeners on occasion, and vice-versa. It comes with the talk radio territory. I know all about Alan Berg, and that with the lack of any security at the local radio station, that scenario could easily play itself out all over again at WILK. What, is that little girl up at the front desk going to deny access to someone intent on gaining access for nefarious means?
I also realize that even someone like me, who puts his overly opinionated self out there for all to see, could easily end up just like Berg. As I am frequently known to say to my wife and kids, we are surrounded by total assholes. And total assholes are capable of some totally asinine things.
But they do not scare me in the least. By way of both telephone and e-mail, I get harassed all the time and have been for years. Believe it or not, I’ve been chased through the streets by automobiles driven by enraged readers while out on my bike. I even had a local tower come and canvass my street looking for me. I waved him down and invited over for a spirited exchange. If I had a plug nickel for every time someone threatened me over the content my site, Corbett and the gang would probably be working for me. It doesn’t worry me in the least and it never will.
In fact, my typical response to threats of violence is, bring it! As my boss correctly told one of my coworkers recently, I will go out in the parking lot with anybody. That I will, have for decades and I openly admit to enjoying myself immensely when total assholes need and receive a thorough pounding. I’m totally juvenile like that and I offer no apologies whatsoever. We’ve all got different skill sets and one of mine happens to be vilified by those who don‘t share that skill set. But enough with my past violent exploits.
As for the "something awful" comments, that’s pretty hard to misinterpret and the management did what they felt they had to do. But who was it that first took it to management? You know my guess, which was based solely on Kevin Lynn’s on-air angry outbursts concerning the “long and threatening voice mails” he reported receiving. 10-minutes long, I think he said. He made some thinly-veiled threat of retaliation of his own on the air, so don’t tell me that Mr. I-have-to-have-the last-word-(insult)-Lynn didn’t go crying to management to shut this guy up.
In addition, he knew that Foglietta was calling on the University of Scranton honchos to terminate his teaching position at the school. My point is, I don’t think he was concerned for his safety as much as we was just pissed to the absolute max at the thought of some bible-thumping republican coming back at him and coming back hard.
Although, maybe it’s not an entirely bad thing for the guy who dishes insults out at a mind bogglingly dizzying rate to be reminded every once in a while that he’s not nearly as insulated from the scumbag-laden world as he’d like to be, or thinks he is. Maybe he ought to consider treating people from the opposite political camp with a sprinkling, a mere modicum of fairness and dignity.
The thing with Kevin is, if you’re going to be calling people lowlife, knuckle-dragging scumbags day-in and day-out, he ought to expect some blowback every now and again. Perhaps the station management should tell him to cool it with the nonstop repugnant insults and the mean-spirited intolerance. The nonstop repugnant insults and the mean-spirited intolerance coming from a guy who is generally thought to be a loser by much of his thimble-sized audience. He insists on throwing what used to be called “fighting words,” so why is everyone so shocked that somebody finally took him up on them? I’ll bet you my next paycheck that he doesn’t talk to people like that at the bar.
My opinion.
Seriously though, in this day and age, Entercom ought to seriously consider putting much more than just some pretty blonde girlie between the offensive and the offended.
And trust me, I am in no way attempting to defend anything that Mr. Foglietta did.
And with that, Mr. Foglietta speaks:
Dude, chill the frig’ out already. Jesus H. Obama!
Let’s cover this again, shall we?
No anonymous cowards post on this site. I alone determine who’s name gets published…me. Rather than seek out time-consuming permission to post the words of others, as long as I know who they are, I edit out their names in the name of expediency.
You wanna know who WXX is? Fine, he’s a local professional who probably had reason to suspect I might post his e-mail, but probably didn’t know for sure. Therefore, WXX will have to suffice. I know who he is and trust me, he is not on parole, he does not have red hair and he was not raised in a trailer park by his step-sister/lover.
You went too far? Yes, you did. So, from here on out, stick to writing about the various and sundry employees of WILK and resist the overriding urge to contact them directly.
I’ve sent Steve Corbett “wild and vicious” (his words) e-mails on occasion, but for the most part, non-threatening e-mails. There was that one where I asked him if he wanted to take a shot at the hand-to-hand combat title, but that’s an invitation and not a threat. Sorry, but I can only stand so much of his daily dojo talk, his daily reminders that he could kill us if he chose to. He did invite me to his local dojo, but I told him I’m not much for dancing, let alone, dancing around with other men wearing only their pajamas.
Although, I do blog in my underwear.
Chill, man.
Nope, not you.
Know what comes to mind after reading that? Mel Brooks looking into the camera and whispering, “It’s good to be the king.” But the last time we bothered to check, this county was being mismanaged by commissioners, not kings.
And to be perfectly blunt as is my forte, I don’t understand in the least why anyone, bloggers or otherwise, would be willing to overlook any seemingly minor indiscretion coming from the likes of Greg Skrepenak. Plainly stated, Skrep is very, very, very quickly wearing out his welcome here in Luzerne County.
As a public sector leader of men, he is blowing it. And in the private sector, he’d be blowing it as well. The difference being, in the public sector the elected too often think they can make up the non-written rules as they plod along. In the private sector, employee handbooks, mission statements and job descriptions come with the territory. You know what I’m talking about.
Skrep earns a little less than I do. And you don’t see me begging for free tickets. You don’t see me risking the appearance of impropriety at nearly every turn as does he. It seems blatantly obvious to me that he is ill-prepared for the elected position he sought out and won. I had two opportunities to vote for him and smartly declined both times. They wanted an ex-jock and they got one, while what they needed was someone who was big on progress, but small on the self-prescribed entitlements.
Whatever. Pretty soon they’ll be calling him Mudenak.
Oh, and count me in on the get-together. That came up in the reader’s comments at Gort’s place, and he promised to throw it by the Northeast Blogging Association, that secretive and reclusive bunch. You don’t suppose we’ll have to provide them with Penguins tickets, do you?
Maybe I’ll just throw a big bash here at the modest adobe. Beer, eats, munchies, Cheap Trick, Blue Oyster Cult and a bunch of truly weird people who insist on further polluting the internet. Sounds perfect to me.
Please advise.
Is that you?
Holy jumpin’ talk show hosts!!!
Last I heard, you were a CIA operative deployed to Somalia with a SOARS unit. Well, something like that. Anyway, you know where I live. Get your white ass over here.
Do it.
And Frank Zappa? Yes, I am the end-all expert on all things Frank Zappa. I am the man. His biggest fan who still listens to him and who misses what might have been.
The first societal commentary that ever registered with me back when I was a clueless sprat was his when he recorded the following in 1967:
Flower Power sucks!
Based on what I was seeing all around me at that time, he was absolutely, undeniably correct. Hindsight proves him to be correct. And now that those who believed in the complete folly that was Flower Power have all grown up and turned this country into an abject mess in their own disheveled image, it’s obvious that he had his finger on the pulse of societal decay long before anyone else did, or even recognized it for what it was.
Here’s one of my favorite Zappa tunes, which about how stupid it is to be killing people in the name of your religion. Funny thing is, this was flagged as being inappropriate at Youtube because it included graphic images of people who were killed and/or maimed in the name of someone’s religion. The way I see it, the graphic images of other people’s misfortune is wholly appropriate whereas people are dying and being disfigured for absolutely nothing.
Here it is, people. See what your religious Jihad, your unflappable faith, sometimes leads to…the deaths of countless innocents.
This just in, breaking news:
WILK is reporting that Tim Grier has applied for a county job.
Can you say sophomoric smart ass?
Based on their most recent broadcasts, if Tim Grier bought himself a new Thin Lizzy poster, WILK would report it. If Tim Grier sent an e-mail to WILK announcing that he really, really loved the new Rambo, WILK would report it at the top of the next hour. If Tim Grier happened to fall over sideways and break a single fingernail, WILK would interrupt it’s regularly scheduled broadcast to report it. If Tim Grier squatted over a porcelain utensil…
News? Hardly.
Spare me.