History is silent as to whether there was any distinction in status be-tween the male and the female sexes during the beginnings of human civilization

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Glossary G
GENIZAH   -the storeroom for old documents in Cairo.This collection is now becoming available to research .

GID'DAN   noble, tough, courageous.   A woman who can take care of herself

GULZAAR   -A stage of conciousness where Allah makes revelations flash accross the mind. Rapid insight,This is compared to a garden, Gul-rose ,a scent

GHABAN I FAHISH   -Overcharging ,extreme cheating >More than twice the current price.for example if someone doubles the price of water ythen an individual is not required to buy it for abloution. and may make tayyamum instead.

GHAIR  MUQALLIDEEN  -   People who do not follow any MADHAB   alt. spelling MAZHAB

GHAYB   - the unseen as described in the QUR'AN includes the worlds of JINN (elementals ),ANGELS, SOULS, other planes of existence .

GHAAWUUNA    ,  GHAWA    -to go or lead astray. A person whose ethical attributes are beguiled ,perverse,deviators ( eg. poets ,singers dancers ,entertainers, gypsies ,hippies )"YAHIMUNA" to fall madly in love, a philanderer, A wanderer-hence the Rom speaking  people of Egypt the Ghawazi.. Generally- discourse on every subject without scrupples of conscience.eg Tabloids

GHAZI   a Muslim soldier GAIDEEN are those who do not actively fight GHAZWAH  - A Military expidition. MAGHAZI  the Military campains of the Prophet Muhammed ,Salla alaihi Wa Sallem .

GHAZWAS    - warfare   ,Chechan term . Allahu Akbar !.Eat fire dirtbag Russians.

GHAIB    -divine mystery

GHEEBAH    - To speak badly about someone in his or her absence, Even if what is said is true.

GHUL   - A Rose

GHULUWW   -Extremeism .A symptom of extremism is TAKFIR . takfir is to declare other Muslims to be apostate. To condemn other Muslims as apostate ,thereby delivering them into victimization   at the hands of the MUSHRIKS. Extremists who declare other Muslims to be apostate  refuse to give them relief ,food or military assistence.


 Islamic law permits Muslims to prosecute war against Muslims who are found to be treasonous by their apostacy.For example, become marxist . Under these circumstances Muslims are allowed to make HAD on any muslim person or group of persons SO DECLARED TO BE MURTAD by a legitimate sharia court .. The worst human rights abuses occur under  circumstances where heretics,and their client state treasonous dictators and kings  persecute other Muslims.Theare frequently  helped considerably by  the US, France, England,Germany and  the Russians .Generally extremist persons are without formal legal training who are in sects bound by political cultism (no Madhab , No Qadi, no jammat ul ullem, no Ullema, no Ijma , no Qiyas) They violate the Sharia.They become cowardly terrorists killing women and children and  innocent civilians. 

 IJMA (consensus ) is so important because it prevents abuses inherent in political and religious cultism .No single person can decide to prosecute a war against a group of fellow Muslims without consent of the legal scholars . Opportunistic criminals love individualistic interpretation of Sharia. They can victimise whole populations, steal from them ,abuse them All with this fraudulent justification of TAKFIR.It seems strange and perverse to me that any person would preffer to attack the integrity of other muslims in prefference to fighting in the real struggle against the known enemies of Islam ..

the QUR'AN forbids any Muslim from declaring another person Murtad .

GHURBA     -Estrangement from ones own land

GHYRYYAT    - literally,change,alteration,strangeness,unreality,jealousy

Sufis have classified this into 8 categories: esoteric

         IZAFI  -phenomenon has relative existence., 

         MAJAZZI  Phenomenon is a manifestation of Allah   ,

         AIT BAARI  divine potential is outlined in knowledge.,

         NISBATI   Allah's being and attributes are not different

        WAHMI  paraphrased; Allah,s imagination

        KHYAALY  mirror

         HAQIQY  differences are by divine order   (incomplete )

         ISTILAAHI ----?        HAQIQ   I L UGHWI-----? p.67 rast

(My apologies this is why yoou should enter the source -so you can go back and find the original entry, chef is clueless)

GHURAF    -special abodes

GANDOURA     - A long flowing cloak made with a hood worn by sufis in the maghreb and also by women with some differences in texture color and ornament

Say: "O Mankind! Now has the truth come to you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own soul; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs." Yunus (10):108

How can you reject faith in Allah, seeing that you were without life and He gave you life? Then He will cause you to die, and will again bring you to life, and then to Him you will return. Al-Baqara (2):28.

Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, truly, you would have seen it humbled and split asunder from fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which We present to mankind, that they may reflect. Al-Hasri 21.

GHAFIR (AL): "The Forgiver". Another name for Al-Mumin Surah 40 of the Holy Qur’an.

GHALIB (AL): The Unseen. ‘Ilul Ghaib = Knowledge of the unseen. No human has ‘Ilmu Ghaib. Only Allah Ta’ala has total command of that knowledge. Bil Ghaib = In the unseen. All Muslims believe in the Unseen, i.e. all that is revelaed to us by Allah Ta’ala in the Holy Qur’an and by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, about the Malaika (angels) and the life in the Akhira (Hereafter) in all its aspects, even though they are invisible to our eyes. See Holy Qur’an, Al-baqara (2):3.

GHAIRAH: This word covers a wide meaning------ jealousy as regards women, and also it is a feeling of great fury and anger when one's honour and prestige is tainted,damaged,provoked or challenged.

GHAIR MUAKKADA (SALAT): Unascertained prayers. These types of optional Salat (prayers) were much, but not always, practiced by the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. See Nafilah.

GHARAR: Selling something which has not yet been obtained. For example, selling eggs which have not yet been hatched.

GHAYY: Deception, Name of a pit in Hellfire.

GHAZI: A Muslim fighter returning after participation in Jihad (Islamic holy fighting).

GHAZWAH: (plural : Ghazawat). A holy battle or fighting for the Cause of Allah consisting of a large army with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) himself leading the army.

GHAZAWAT: Plural of Ghazwa. Also called al-Maghazi. See Ghazwa

GHAZI: A Person who has taken part in a Ghazwa.

GHAZWA: A Holy battle for the cause of Allah the Almighty in which the Prophet Muhammad himself, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took part: al-Maghazi or Ghazwat.

GHEEBA: Talking evil about someone in his or her absence. Backbiting. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Hujarat (49):12.

GHEERA: This has a wide range of meanings. The closest description that may be found in the English language is justifiable jealousy. It signifies a feeling of great anger when something one loves is encroached upon. Of all mankind, it was Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who had the greatest sense of Gheera, for he was the man upon whom Allah chose to bestow such a great honour as has never been bestowed by Him upon any being before or since. The mightiest rank of jealousy is the jealousy for Islam which manifests when one hears someone treat Allah’s religion as a jest.

GHULOOL: Stealing from the war booty before its distribution.

GHURAF: Special abodes.

GHURR-UL-MUHAJJALUN (AL): A name that will be given on the Day of Resurrection to the Muslims because the parts of their bodies which they used to wash for ablution will shine then.

GHUSL: The full ritual washing of the body with water alone to be pure for the prayer. To do Ghusl: (1). Wash your private parts. (2). Do Wudu . See Wudu (3). Wash your entire body from the top to bottom and from right to left, without touching your privates parts again.

It is necessary to have Ghusl on embracing Islam, after sexual intercourse or seminal emission, at the end of menstruation, after childbirth and before being buried (when your body is washed for you). It is also customary to have Ghusl before the Jumua and Eid prayers. It is necessary to be in Ghusl and in Wudu (or alternative to do Tayyamum under certain circumtances) being doing the Salat or touching the Qur’an. See Hadath, Tayyamum, Wudu.










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