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1. What do you mean by belief in all the Books of Allah? By belief in all the Books of Allah I mean that Allah revealed Commandments and Codes of Religion to various Prophets at different stages of history for the guidance of mankind.
2. Do you know the names of Codes of Religion or the Books of Allah? Yes, the Codes of Religion or the Books of Allah are four in number, viz.,

(1) Taurat (Old Testament)
(2) Zaboor'(Psalms)
(3) lnjeel (New Testament)
(4) The Holy Qur'an

3. What are the names of the respective Prophets to whom these books were revealed? Taurat was revealed to Prophet Moosa (Moses), Zaboor to Prophet Dawood (David), Injeet to Prophet 'Isa (Jesus), and the Holy Our'an to Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all !).
4. Do the Taurat, Zaboor and Injeel exist In their original forms? No, they do not exist In their original forms. The present-day editions are only Interpretations by their respective followers of later ages.
5. Which Code of Religion do you follow? I follow the last Code of Religion, the Holy Qur'an
6. What is the Holy Qur'an? The Holy Qur'an is the Gospel of the Religion of Islam. The previous Commandments and the Codes of Religion are also incorporated in it. Its verses were inspired and revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad through Angel Jibreel, and they are still preserved intact in their original form in the Arabic language.
7. Were the verses of the Holy Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad at one and the same time? No, the verses of the Holy Qur'an were not revealed to Prophet Muhammad at one and the same time. They were revealed to him either singly or in batches during the last twenty-three years of his life, and were written down at his dictation and arranged under his direction during his lifetime.
8. What does the Holy Qur'an teach you? The Holy Qur'an teaches me to worship Almighty Allah, Him and Him alone, to obey His orders contained therein, to follow the teachings and examples set by Prophet Muhammad, to do good to others, especially to my parents and relations. and to be honest and truthful in all my actions and dealings ; in short, it gives me a complete Code for the rightful guidance of my life.