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1. What at do you know about the Day of Resurrection and Judgement? It is the Day on which Allah will resurrect the dead, i.e., make the dead live again. He will then judge each person according to his good or bad actions on earth. He will reward those who have led a righteous life and pleased Him by sending them to Heaven, and punish those who have disobeyed His Commands and incurred His displeasure by committing sins and bad actions, by consigning them to Hell.
2. What are Heaven and Hell? Heaven is an abode of peace and happiness where every wish is fulfilled. Hell is a place of torture, pain and agony.
3. How long will a person remain in Heaven or Hell? A person who dies with complete Faith In the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophet of Allah will remain In Heaven for ever, while a person who dies without having any belief in the Oneness of Allah and In the Prophets of Allah or having belief in others as partners of Allah will remain In Hell for ever.
4. What will be the fate of those who die with complete Faith in the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophets of Allah, but have committed sins? Those who have firm belief in the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophets of Allah, but die without atoning for and repenting sins they have committed in this world, will he sent to Hell for a time, from where, after receiving due punishment, they will be liberated by the Mercy of Allah and sent to Heaven, where they will live for ever.