The Adoption Triad in the Natural and its Spiritual Counterpart.
Are you a part of the family ....have you allowed Him to adopt you so you can call Him Father?
From the beginning, the unconditional love of God caused Him to formulate a plan that would rescue us from our birth-father (satan). We are all born in sin since the fall of Adam...that's just the way it is.
Do we have a choice of a natural father?
God, our Creator, would do whatever had to be done to get us back - no matter the cost or time involved - He had one goal in mind...why? God is LOVE. He set himself as the adoptive parent and all of us as the adoptees (by choice however). He wants us to willingly be a part of the family. He even tells us in Galatians 4:26 who the spiritual birth-mother is!
Adoption is a serious matter. As a figure of speech expressing spiritual truth it emphasizes,
1.The sovereign and gracious character of the act of God in our salvation.
2.Our solemn obligation as adoptees to our adopting parent.
3.The newness of family relationship established
a. the climate of intimate trust and love
b. the immensity of the inheritance!
Are you yet a part of the adoption triad? Perhaps you never understood or heard about this new family? I invite you to check it out. It is a wonderful experience. It lasts a lifetime and extends to eternity.
God Bless