In the Garden was a friend of Jesus. He had never made empty promises such as, "I will never be offended because of you," or, "I will never deny you." He was not asleep and he did not run from the situation. This man was called to follow Jesus and walked and talked with Him in a close relationship. He heard the Word but denied the progressive work that could have re-written his story. Hearing the Word should improve our eyesight. If we will believe, we can expect this result. The eyes of our understanding will be enlightened and we will begin to know things. We will know about being called and chosen. We will understand our position in Christ and the indwelling power that works in and through us. We are accepting and the Word is penetrating beyond the mind and deep into the heart. We are receiving revelation of Him and His purpose for our lives. When we can understand with our heart, the Love of God that passes knowledge begins to flow through us, and our walk in the Spirit becomes a reality. Heart knowledge is a very stabilizing force, not easily influenced like the mind. This is where I think the life of the "friend" took a wrong turn. He was not diligent in the keeping of his mind and heart. He forgot! This ailment of having a "bad memory" seemed to plague the Children of Israel, generating unthankfulness. Inattentiveness leads to unbelief. When Eve was questioned, she could not remember what God had said. Moses on the other hand remembered the instruction of his Mother .He received, regarded, and respected it. He knew who he was and it saw him through. "He endured as seeing Him who is invisible"(very far-sighted). His faith remained active because he "kept the sprinkling of blood" as a reminder. He wouldn't let himself forget (inside knowledge). The Blood was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat “Reminder.” Always be thankful for the mercy of God that endures forever. The seed planted in our "story-character" quickly became choked-out with the cares of life. He was fooled into thinking that he needed money so badly, he would do anything to get it. He was so blinded by the physical activity of solving his own problems that he forgot the Word of the Lord. In one lesson Jesus taught, 1.Do not focus on earthly treasures 2.Make sure your eyesight is good…your whole body depends on it, and 3.Trust me...I will supply your need. Judas missed the warning "if your eye be evil your whole body will be full of darkness" and later turned his back on the "light of the world" and went out into the night. That warning was quickly followed by "no man can serve two masters." It is interesting that over supper this man specifically said "Master" when talking to Jesus. Was it prophetic when Jesus said, “I took care of you when I sent you out without purse, script, or shoes” now “he that has a purse let him take it"…follow through with his own plans…walk in his own way, but wait it wasn't over. Does Jesus ever give up on us? Can you recall Him being frustrated at our lack of perception or self-centeredness? Does He get angry when we just don't get it? No, but sometimes He weeps as He gently tries to lead us. There was physical contact in the Garden that night, and in this final encounter an outstanding show of compassion. The heartbeat of God said, “Perhaps if I look into his eyes he will remember. Maybe if I call him ‘friend’ it will generate some warmth in his heart and he will understand and respond. Is there a molecule of faith left that can reach out? I know he has sinned but I am the Savior. I know satan has entered into him, but I am the deliverer. How often I have longed to draw him close like a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but he wouldn't come. Don't repent too late to the wrong man...I love you Judas.” In one of His darkest hours our Lord never lost sight of His purpose. He still healed, forgave, loved and showed mercy - in the Garden. |