Our choice has NEVER been about producing fruit. We are by nature fruit-bearing entities. A seemingly simple concept "the tree itself " has always been our option: To know GOOD or to know LIFE. God ingrained an element, the ego, into the fibre of His dualistic creation that gravitates to the carnal. The mediator of sorts between flesh and spirit, reality and faith. An ongoing and omnipresent struggle. Despite its negative attachment (evil), tree # 1 retains its popularity because it provides nourishment and gratification for the senses...conjuring images of importance. A casual glance or sampling will not determine the root source of this showy plant. Its very disguise intrigues us and captivates our attention, drawing us away from tree # 2...the True Vine...whose beauty and Glory like the tabernacle to follow was not seen from the outside. In our attempt to walk in the spirit ,we cannot depend on our initial choice, but rather a daily moment by moment awareness. The laws of nature remain absolute...an apple tree will never produce oranges. Does your manifested produce scare you at times? Do not allow the headiness of self to blind you to the truth. The mark of a true follower of Christ is attitude. If the life-giving Holy Spirit is flowing through us then everything about us will point to HIM and not us. If the focus is on us, whether we are ungodly or too Godly(self-righteous) then we are representing the wrong tree. The tree of life GIVES ...exalting Him. The tree of evil TAKES in order to elevate self. Is your fruit passing inspection? Does it minister or destroy? We cannot qualify poor quality and often rotten fruit by pretending not to know who our brother is or our responsibility towards him...that excuse didn't pass inspection in the very first family! "If we say we love God and hate our brother...we lie" (We all know the root source and the Father of that juicy citrus). Let your fruit so grow that the world will know Who your Father is! |