The Masked Author's Writing Links

All the following links have been approved by the Masked Author.

Fiction on the Web

Addventure- This one of the best spots to visit on the web. Any who loves writing can join in on this collaborative literary work. It's a story and a game rolled into one. You begin in a room with a staircase, then you choose what you want to do. If there is nothing written for that choice, you have the option to write it. In the future I might create an guide to Addventure.

Storyweb- This is a great place to find good fiction on the web. I visit this place every once in a while.

The Quotations Page- I love a witty quote. And this place sure has a lot of them. Over 1,500.

The Cyrano Server- Need to write a love letter, but have writer's block? This is just the thing you need! Not only writes love letters, but can also help you dump someone.

P.C. Wrede's World Builder Questions for Fantasy Writers- Thought provoking questions to help you create a setting for your stories.

The Electric Postcard- A greate way to send messages, when email isn't good enough.

Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass- Go read some good, American poetry!

E-mail Prayer- If you need a blessing, send a note to Virtual Jerusalem. They will print it out and place it in the Kotel, one of the holiest places on earth.

ALT-X Publishing Network- The future of fiction on the web.

Willa's Journal- Finally a online journal by someone who isn't emotionally unbalanced or whiney.

The $95,093.35 Adventure- Read a story about a man who deposited a fake check and it worked! A humorous story with a moral.

Walter Miller's Homepage- A very funny man who can't spell. The stories about his grandfather made me laugh out loud.(Caution:Only men will find this funny!)


The Onion- A satirical zine that has degenerated over time. It's still good though, but not as great as it was before.

Tweak- The Tweakers twist and alter your view of the world, until you begin to doubt the media, government, and yourself. Go check it out!

The Daily Muse- Get your news with a bit of bite!

ZUG- My favorite comedic zine.

bOING bOING- A pretty decent zine.

Bunnyhop- Imagine if every day was Easter...

Crank- They always crank out good stuff.

Ben is Dead- Ben's dead, but he still writes a nice zine.

Denounce- All false news, all the time. At least you know what you're getting.

Ad Nauseam- Guaranteed to make you queasy!

My Favorite Authors

Douglas Adams- The only author that can make you laugh out loud. This man is a genius! You must read every one of his books! Here are some sites about him or his work...

The Newsgroup- The best place to find infomation about him and his books.

The Douglas Adams FAQ- Lots of information about him and his books.

SPONGE- A cult based on The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Robert Jordan- A very good fantasy writer. I first thought his novels were long-winded, but I later realized each word had a purpose further on. He also has the unique ability to keep a running element of suspense in all his books. This has lead to people getting into furious debates on what the next book is going to contain.

The rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan Newsgroup- A great place to discuss theories on his books. Do not go here unless you've read all his books and the Wheel of Time FAQ.

Wheel of Time FAQ- Lots of stuff. Careful, contains spoilers.

Myself- So what? I can like my own writing! What do you think of it?

The Masked Author's Writing Studio- My homepage.

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