PAUL PHOENIX's NeutronBomb by MadMan

It is neat thing to mix up Gut-Buster(D, df+2,1) or Stone-Breaker(D, df+2,2) with neutron-bomb(f,f+4). Gut-Buster or Stone-Breaker is kindda hard to pull off during breathless matches because it takes a little while to initiate the move. In that case, do Neutron-Bomb. It will either stagger/hit the opponent and brings Paul into crouching position. Then, you can do (df+2,1)or(df+2,2) right away without actually first crouching and do df. I am sure many people know about this, but I just thought it is neat.

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Created on: 9/30/1997. Last update: 9/30/1997
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