Current Results

Thursday, June 28, 2001 SMACKDOWN
Edge and Christian d. X-Pac and "The One" Billy Gunn via Buzzkiller
Edge and X-Pac start. X-Pac with a kick. X-Pac with right hands and a side headlock. X-Pac with a tackle. Leap frog by Edge. Edge with a powerslam. Cover. Gunn breaks it up. Christian knocks down Gunn. Ref is occupied by Gunn. X-Pac throws Edge into Christian on the apron. Tag to Gunn. Gunn with stomps on Edge. Gunn with hard right hands to the head of Edge. Gunn misses a splash in the corner. Tag to Christian. Christian with right hands. Gunn attempts a gorilla press, but Christian lands behind him. Inverted DDT on Gunn. Gut buster to X-Pac. Clothesline by Gunn. Gunn tosses Christian into opposing corners. Gunn sits on Christian and smashes him in the skull. Gunn slams Christian's face into X-Pac's boot. Tag to X-Pac. X-Pac with shots to Christian down in the corner. X-Pac kicks down Christian in the corner. Bronco buster by X-Pac. X-Pac gets on the middle rope. Christian powerbombs him off. Tag to Edge. Edge knocks down both Gunn and X-Pac. Edge with a spinning heel kick to X-Pac. Edge with a spinning scissors on Gunn and he goes out of the ring. Implant DDT called the Buzzkiller on X-Pac. Edge with the cover and the victory.

Monday, June 25, 2001 RAW IS WAR
**Lightheavyweight Title Match**
X-Pac d. Jeff Hardy via Backslide
Jeff with a baseball slide dropkick through the ropes. Xpac dropkicks Jeff off the top turnbuckle onto the security wall. Xpac follows out off the top with an axe handle. Back in the ring Xpac locks on a reverse chin lock. Powerbomb by Xpac for a two count. Jeff counters a missile dropkick with a dropkick of his own. Jeff with a rollup for a two count. Jeff blocks the bronco buster with a big boot to the crotch. Jeff misses the swanton bomb. Xpac with a backslide and his feet on the ropes for the pin. Sunday, June 24, 2001 KING OF THE RING
**Lightheavyweight Title Match**
Jeff Hardy d. X-Pac via Swanton Bomb
Jeff with an arm drag takedown. Jeff with a head scissors takeover. Jeff walks the security wall and comes off with a clothesline on Xpac. Back in the ring Jeff misses a corkscrew moonsault. Xpac hip tosses Jeff out of the ring. Xpac hits a springboard crossbody to the outside on Jeff. back in the ring Xpac hits a spinning heel kick for a two count. Xpac hits another spinning heel kick for a two count. Xpac kicks Jeff down in the corner followed up by a missed bronco buster. Jeff with a dropkick followed up by a clothesline. Jeff drops the legs in the groin area of Xpac. Jeff hits a corkscrew moonsault for a two count. Jeff hits a top rope crossbody, Xpac rolls through and gets a two count. Xfactor on Jeff but he gets his foot on the ropes. Xpac thought he had it won. Jeff counters the xfactor with a powerbomb. Jeff hits the swanton bomb for the pin.

Thursday, June 21, 2001 SMACKDOWN
**6-Man Tag** Kane and Hardy Boyz d. X-Factor via Swanton Bomb
Jeff and Credible start. Grapple. Credible with rights to the skull. Jeff jumps over Credible in the corner and gets a hip toss. Arm drag by Jeff. Eye rake by Credible. Tag to X-Pac. Jeff with an arm drag. Jeff catches X-Pac's legs and leg drops him in between. Tag to Matt. Double team in the corner. Poetry in Motion. Matt with a clothesline. Cover. 2 count. Matt with stiff rights. Matt with a floating clothesline. Arm bar into a hammerlock by Matt. X-Pac with a back elbow and tags Albert. Matt with right hands. Albert with a gorilla press. Matt jumps down. X-Pac nails him in the back. Matt collides X-Pac and Credible's heads. Albert knocks down Matt. Albert with a shoulder block. Cover. Kane breaks it up. Tag to Credible. Credible with kicks in the corner. Right hands in the corner. Credible drags Matt out of the corner and hits a powerbomb. Cover. 2 count. Tag to X-Pac. X-Pac with kicks and a snap mare. X-Pac with a chin lock. Matt is up with shots to the gut. Matt runs into a boot from X-Pac. Lita grabs X-Pac's legs and crotches him on the post. Tag to Jeff. Jeff ducks a clothesline from Credible and knocks Albert down. Jeff with a drop kick to Credible. Jeff sends X-Pac to the outside. Jeff sends Credible to the outside. Jeff on the top rope and misses the two of them hitting the barricade. Kane goes up top and hits Albert with a clothesline. Kane with a running powerslam. Kane grabs Albert's throat. Albert knocks him down. Kane knocks down Albert. X-Pac comes back in. Kane chokeslams X-Pac. Kane clotheslines Albert to the outside. Jeff with a Swanton Bomb on X-Pac. Jeff with the cover and the victory.

Sunday, June 17, 2001 SUNDAY NIGHT HeAT
X-Factor d. aPa via pinfall
Bradshaw and Credible start off. Bradshaw pushes Credible into the corner and gives him a knee to the gut. He slams Credible to the floor with a couple of times with big elbows. Bradshaw gives Credible a bodyslam followed by an elbow. He goes for the elbow again and misses. Bradshaw slams Credible down with a body shot. Bradshaw tags Faarooq. Faarooq delivers a few big forearms to Credible's back. Faarooq covers for two, X-Pac breaks the count. Faarooq gives Credible a body slam and covers for two. Credible slams Faarooq and tags X-Pac. Faarooq takes it to X-Pac with a few chest slaps. X-Pac gives Faarooq a nasty heel kick. Faarooq throws X-Pac to the ground. Faarooq tags and The APA double-team X-Pac. Bradshaw covers for two. He throws X-PAC in the corner and gives him a few shots to the head. Bradshaw misses a body shot in the corner and X-Pac gets a few good kicks in. X-Pac tags Credible. Credible get a good hit but Bradshaw gives him a deadly clothesline. Bradshaw tags Faarooq. Credible goes to town on Faarooq. He gets a massive kick to Faarooq's head and somehow Faarooq is up and tags Bradshaw. Bradshaw gives Credible a huge body slam. Then a powerbomb. Albert is in the ring and gives Bradshaw the baldo bomb. X-Pac jumps in to cover Bradshaw for the win.

Sunday, June 17, 2001 HOUSE SHOW

Lightheavyweight Title Match**
Jeff Hardy d. X-Pac via Swanton Bomb
Back and forth match. Pretty big 'X-Pac Sucks' chant. Pac taunted a lot. Plus the X-Factor music isn't as bad in person as it is in t.v. Jeff won via Swanton Bomb.

Saturday, June 16, 2001 HOUSE SHOW
**Lightheavyweight Title Match**
Jeff Hardy d. X-Pac via Swanton Bomb

Monday, June 10, 2001 RAW IS WAR
Hardy Boyz d. X-Factor via Swanton Bomb
Matt clotheslines Xpac. Xpac throws Matt out of the ring. Credible superkicks Matt. Back in the ring Xpac gets a two count. Credible kicks Matt down in the corner. Xpac sidekicks Matt in the corner. Xpac misses the bronco buster. Credible misses a baseball slide. Jeff tagged in and drops the legs downstairs on Xpac. Poetry in motion on Credible and Xpac. Credible crotches Jeff on the ropes. Lita hits Xpac with a huricanlita. Jeff hits Xpac with the swanton bomb for the pin. After the match Xpac hits Jeff in the head with a chair.

Sundayday, June 10, 2001 HOUSE SHOW
**European Title Match**
Matt Hardy d. X-Pac via Twist of Fate
X-Pac trash-talked a bit before the match saying Lita was out "walking the street to make him money." He then posed with the belt before wiping it on his rear and handing it to the ref. The action went back and forth. Waltman attempted the Bronco Buster but missed. After both men tried unsuccessfully to use the belt to get the pinfall Lita ran down and gave Waltman a hurancanrana from the top rope while the ref was preoccupied. Matt hit the Twist of Fate for the win

Saturday, June 9, 2001 HOUSE SHOW
**Tag Team Championship Elimination Match**
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit d. X-Factor and Edge/Christian
X-Pac and Justin was the first to go with Edge pinned X-Pac I think and Then Jericho and Benoit defeated Edge and Christian viw the Crippler Crossface and The Wall's of Jericho and both Edge and Christian tapped out,

Thursday, June 7, 2001 SMACKDOWN
**Intercontinental Championship**
Kane d. X-Pac via Powerbomb
Xpac attacks Kane from behind while Albert distracts. Running clothesline in the corner by Kane. Big boot by Kane. Kane goes up top and gets knocked down by a dropkick from Xpac. On the outside Albert nails Kane with the bicycle kick. Back in the ring Xpac hits a spinning heel kick for a two count. Xpac gives Kane the x-factor followed up by the bronco buster. Clothesline by Kane. Sidewalk slam by Kane. Top rope lariat by Kane. Kane knocks Albert off the ring apron. kane press slams Xpac onto Albert. Kane dives to the outside on Albert and Xpac. Teddy Long calls for the one minute mark. Back in the ring Kane powerbombs Xpac for the pin. After the match X-Factor triple teams Kane. Baldo bomb on Kane. Albert gets in Kane's face.

Sunday, June 3, 2001 HOUSE SHOW
X-Factor d. Hardy Boyz and Dudley Boyz
Hardys were eliminated first after doing all of their trademark moves. X-Factor picked up the win here but I don't remember how. After the match, Dudleys were getting beat on but turned the tides and Credible got 3D'ed through the table. Dudleys were over bigtime.

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