Current Results

Thursday, September 28, 2000 SMACKDOWN
**European Title Match**
X-Pac vs. Al Snow NO CONTEST
X-Pac goes to the outside and smashes the Pepe Le Pew poster. Al Snow comes outside and hits X-Pac with rights. Snow sends X-Pac back in the ring. X-Pac with a spin kick. Chops to Snow's shoulder. X-Pac gets mounted on the middle turnbuckle. Al Snow with a powerslam. Cover. 2 count. Foley turns his chair waiting for Austin. Snow goes for a moonsault and is met with knees from X-Pac. Snow is down in the corner. X-Pac goes for a bronco buster. Glass breaks and X-Pac stops. Foley picks up his chair and waits for Austin to come out. Austin comes out from the crowd. Stunner to X-Pac. Al Snow gives Austin thumbs up. Stunner to Al Snow. Stunner to the ref.

Monday, September 25, 2000 RAW IS WAR
**First Blood**
X-Pac d. Chris Jericho via making him bleed
The bell rings and they fight back towards the ring. Knife edge chops by Jericho and he hits a spinning heel kick. Jericho clothesline X-Pacover the top rope and X-Pac grabs a steel chair. He swings and missea and Jericho gets in a right hand. Spinning heel kick by X-Pac and X-Pac puts his fists in the back of Jericho's head. Flying forearm by Jericho and he hits a sprinboard cartwheel kick. Kinfe edge chop by Jericho and he throws Jericho in the guardrail. They go over and fight into the crowd. X-Pac gets thrown back over the rail. Jericho htis a double ax handle off the barricade followd by another stiff chop. X-Pac hits a backelbow, but Jericho hits a bulldog into the steps. Jericho picks up the chair and swings and misses. X-Pac grabs a glass bottle and throws Jericho back into the rign. Jericho grabs a piece of that bottle and slices X-Pac. X-Pac's hand gets raised to a chorus of boos.

Sunday, September 24, 2000 UNFORGIVEN
Chris Jericho d. X-Pac via Walls of Jericho
Jericho chops Xpac down. Xpac kicks Jericho down in the corner. Bronco buster gets countered with a clothesline. Spinning heel kick by Jericho. Xpac knocks jericho off the top into the guard rail. Xpac flies to the outside on Jericho. Xpac throws Jericho into the announce table and camera man. Xpac with a baseball slide dropkick. Spinning heel kick by Xpac for a two count. Modified sleeper by Xpac. Xpac counter a Jericho sleeper with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Bronco buster is hit. Powerbomb by Jericho. Flying forearm by Jericho for a two count. Jericho does a bronco buster on Xpac. Jericho runs into the ring post. Xpac grabs his nunchucks. Xfactor on Jericho for a two count. Jericho powerbombs Xpac and locks on the walls of Jericho. Spinning heel kick on Jericho for a two count. Bulldog by Jericho. Lionsault onto Xpac's knees. Xpac goes up top and jericho catches him. Walls of Jericho for the tap out. Ross slipped up and called it the liontamer. After the match Xpac attacks Jericho with the nunchucks.

Saturday, September 23, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
Rikishi/Chris Jericho d. X-Pac/Eddie Guerrero (w/Chyna)

Thursday, September 21, 2000 SMACKDOWN
Tazz/X-Pac vs. Jerry Lawler/Chris Jericho NO CONTEST
Jericho goes after X-Pac who jumps out of the ring. Tazz attacks Jericho. Jericho with a flying forearm. Jericho with a bulldog. Cover for a 2 count. Jericho tags Lawler. Tazz tags X-Pac. X-Pac does some of his martial arts moves. Michael Cole says Foley announced an open invitation Hardcore match for Unforgiven. It's gonna be like the Hardcore battle royal at Wrestlemania with a 10 minute time limit. Lawler hits him with a left. Lawler attempts a piledriver and Tazz attacks him from behind. X-Pac with boots to Lawler's ribs. X-Pac goes for a Bronco Buster and gets a boot to the crotch. Lawler with a tag to Jericho who unloads on X-Pac. He knocks down Tazz and gets a spinning heel kick from X-Pac. Tazz is tagged back in. Tazz throws Jericho into the corner. Big boot by Jericho. Tag to Lawler. Lawler goes on X-Pac. Tazz hits Lawler with the leather strap. Tazzmission. Jericho hits Tazz breaking up the Tazzmission. Jericho uses the strap on X-Pac and throws it away. Jericho and X-Pac fight up the ramp and Tazz inside the ring chokes Lawler with the leather strap. Many officials break it up.

Sunday, September 18, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
**Hardcore Title Match**
Steve Blackman d. X-Pac via kick to the head
Normal stuff. Used garbage can and the kendo stick. Blackmen eventually got the pin with a pump kick into a chair, which was in front of X-Pac's face. Saturday, September 17, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
**Hardcore Title Match**
Steve Blackman d. X-Pac via kick to the head
X-Pac got lots of boos, and Blackman got lots of pops from the crowd. This match went back and forth as well, and they naturally came out in the crowd and started brawling. I got an awesome pic of Blackman getting rammed into the guard rail. Anyways, X-Pac tried to use a garbage can lid on Blackman but he reversed it and gave a good kick to the head(via trash can lid) for the win.

Thursday, September 14, 2000 SMACKDOWN
X-Pac/Edge/Christian d. Hardy Boyz/Chris Jericho via X-Factor
Jericho is working on X-Pac, but Christian intercepts him and goes to work. Jericho with a flying forearm and gets the momentum back. Into the corner goes Christian. Jericho with the bulldog. Tag to Matt Hardy. Matt comes down with a leg drop. Edge comes in and gets knocked down. Matt is thrown shoulder first into the post. X-Pac is tagged in and does the Bronco Buster. Edge is tagged in. Edge throws Matt off the top turnbuckle. Lita pulls Edge down and crotches him in the corner. Matt tags in Jericho. X-Pac is tagged in and Jericho is unloading on him. Jericho attempts the Walls of Jericho. Edge breaks it up. Jeff Hardy with the Whisper in the Wind on X-Pac and Edge. Poetry in Motion to X-Pac and Christian. Matt with a twist of fate on Christian. Jeff with the swanton. X-Pac comes back in and delivers the X Factor to Jeff while Edge pulls Matt outside. X-Pac covers Jeff for the win.

Monday, September 11, 2000 RAW IS WAR
**Hardcore Title Match**
Steve Blackman d. X-Pac via pinfall
Head lock by X-Pac and Blackman gets out and hits a shoulder block. X-pac goes outside and Blackman follows. Blackman drops him on the guardrail and throws him back in. Blackman gets his trash lids and nails X-pac with it. X-pac on his knees and X-Pac nails him in the back of the head. Blackman hits X-Pac in the back of the head and gets a two count. He props up a trash can in the corner. X-Pac reverses a whip and Blackman bites the trash can. X-pac hits the bronco buster. X-Pac gets a fire extinguisher and misses. Blackman gets the fire extinguisher and hits X-Pac with the spray. Blackman follows X-Pac back up the ramp and gets out his numchucks. X-Pac hangs on to the Titan Tron and kicks Blackman. X-Pac picks up the numchucks,but Chris Jericho comes out and nails X-Pac with a kendo stick. Blackman gets the cover for the win.

Sunday, September 10, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
**Hardcore Title Match**
Steve Blackman d. X-Pac via Chairshot
X-Pac starts out bragging about how he's going to kick Blackman's ass. Usual hardcore spots in this one -- Steve did the trash can lid and kendo stick things. X-Pac got a bronco buster in when he wasn't begging for mercy or trying to leave. X-Pac finally landed the X-Factor, then went and got a chair for the finishing touches. That gave Blackman time to recover and he did the big kick into the chair to get the win.

Saturday, September 9, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
**Hardcore Title Match**
Steve Blackman d. X-Pac via Blackmantor
X-Pac came out first and surprisingly got a huge pop from the crowd. It wasn't until he got on the mic where people started booing him. This match wasn't really hardcore at all until the end when the usual "toys" came into play. Blackman won when X-Pac missed a chair shot and Blackman hit a Blackmanator.

Monday, September 7, 2000 SMACKDOWN
X-Pac d. Chris Jericho via backslide
Match starts out with Jericho tossing Xpac out of the ring. Jericho knocks Xpac out of the ring with a springboard dropkick. Xpac drops Jericho on his head out of a sleeper. Xpac kicks Jericho down in the corner followed up by the bronco buster. Jericho powerbombs Xpac. Flying forearm by Jericho. Jericho powerbombs Xpac again followed up by a missed lionsault when Xpac raised his knees. Xpac gets the pin on a backslide with his foot on the ropes for leverage.

Saturday, September 2, 2000 Jakked
X-Pac d. Essa Rios via X-Factor
Collar and elbow tie up and X-pac gets a headlock. Shoulder block takedown by X-pac, but Rios gets up and hits a shoulder block himself. Arm wrench by Rios and X-pac uses a forarm to get out and reverse it. Rios with boots to the gut then hits the triple bounce armdrag followed by a clothesline for two. Rios chokes X-Paconthe middle rope then whips him. Back body drop by X-Pac, but Rios lands on his feet. Spinning heel kick by X-Pac for a nearfall. Right hands by X-Pac in the corner, but Rios reverses. Rios goes for an enziguri, but X-Pac flips him back into the corner. X-Pac chokes Rios then hits the bronco buster. Rios into the other corner and X-Pac charges. Rios moves. Springboard heel kick by Rios followed by a drop toe hold. Tilt-a-whirlback breaker by Rios and Rios goes to the top. Rios goes for a 450, but X-pac moves. X-Pac hits the X-Factor for the win.

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