Xellos' Chapel of Solitude
welcome to my place -- have a seat

Hello weary wanderer, my name is Xellos [the Mysterious Priest] and you have stumbled across my chapel: a haven for the bored and neurotic. Sit back, relax and enjoy your stay. Read some poetry, oogle some classical art, or just sit there and stare at the screen and drool with confusion like my roomate does when he's trying to browse the internet. Tanoshimu, no da!

Xellos' Claire Bible Links

The Anipike -- the greatest anime resource site around.
The Slayers Online
Moon Ska -- your one stop ska shop.
The Happy Hamster Hideaway -- perhaps the kookiest site ever (maintained by my friend Casey).
Leah's Photo Album for pictures of the love of my life and myself.

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