Sweet Juliet For my Unknown Love Jerome in the realm of dreams and dreamers i dream the sweetest dream of all a dream of love so pure and honest that all else pales in compare i walk upon clouds as soft as down and fly on wings as eagles fly i fly above the world – searching but never do i see her face the one who took from me my heart the one to whom it still belongs mysterious girl of my dreams my princess of the oceans deep come to me once more tonight that i may hold you in my arms sweet juliet of all my dreams oh, keeper of my heart and soul i long to meet you – long to touch you to keep you safe from any harm if i could see your face but once my heart could be at rest again but so it aches and longs for you and never does my eye quite see all your glory revealed to me but instead you lie in shadow your beauty veiled from my eye there is a beauty that i know, one greater than which can be seen the beauty of your heart and soul – the beauty you have shown to me oh come, oh come sweet juliet return the love you took from me i do not ask you for my heart my heart – my love – is yours to keep i ask instead that you love me