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Kevin was very interesting, but perhaps a bit too personable. He seemed to be very nice and was quite funny. When he walked on the stage his hair seemed shorter than I remembered, but since I never watch Hercules, I didn't really take much notice of it. A few minutes later he took down his hair, and there seemed to be a breath of relief in the room.
He spoke a bit about the series, but much of his time was taken up with stupid questions like people wanting to give him something, or wanted his autograph or a picture with him. It was so tedious. Eventually he got to talking about his charity, which I was more interested in hearing about. I prefer to know personal things such as this, since you can only hear the same stuff about a series or a character so many times.
There was one rather humorous thing--he mentioned that Hercules could apparently bring Iolaus back 11 times within a few months, yet he somehow couldn't bring his family back. Go figure.
He had brought with him a little boy who benefits from his charity and who volunteers and such for it. He was a pretty cute little kid (any pictures out there?) and was being followed around by a tv crew. I'm assuming that they're making a special on Kevin's charity or something of the sort.
Overall, I think it could have been better, but he did seem to be a very nice and interesting person.

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