NOTICE        OF
LET UT BE KNOWN THAT BY THESE ARTICLES fair and true and after grave and pretty much legally sober consideration of a kind most grievious and irksome, notice hereby and for all just purposes has been duly served forthwith to the blackguard, toadie, worm, pain in the ass, all-around jerkified, lowly crawfish and insufferable yutz, once called by the name
and who is herein and hereafter to be referred to as "NEUTER-BOY"
WHEREAS, THE AFORMENTIONED NEUTER-BOY has been rightfully found by The Society of Maledom to have chartered a shabby course of life consistent with those offenders habitually guilty of any of a number of crimes repugnant to our brotherhood, including, but not limited to: gutlessness, shameless cowering or ass-kissing, unsportsmanlike conduct, unfair business practices, ducking a confrontation, shoddy parenting, gross inconsideration and selfishness, actions not befitting a gentleman, shirking of duty, whining, betraying a pal or a sworn confidence, disgracing your family, running crying to a lawyer, behaving like a prick at a Little League game, taking the low road, putting your dingus in Whoopi Goldberg, etc.
THEREFORE, CONSISTENT WITH THE UNWRITTEN laws of comportment accepted by The Society of and extending back over the countless generations to the Great Hairy Nomad and First Regular Joe himself, be it known that the aformentioned NUETER-BOY, having been found pitiable, unworthy and unfit to carry The Societal Staff, and in keeping with the Revocation Terms of said offender's appendage Lease as covered in the Johnson Clause, section III, paragraph VI, shall and will at once forfeit said appendage.  Please return it in the envelope provided for your convenience.
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                    Eminent Regular Guy Arbiter                                                            Date