Read the story's caption (don't bother with the article), then select your reaction to it from the list below to see if you're more German or American - or maybe from another planet.

* "Oh. That's nice."

* "Couldn't Damini (said elephant) have just gotten on with her life?"

* "Can't we all just get along?"

* What would Jesus say if we made some wastebaskets out of her "feet"?

* "Shoulda blowed her haid (=head) off an' made some boots o' 'er haad (=hide)."

* Like David Ball says: "Run mah fengers threw hur har (=her hair. Har.)"

* "Her death was probably caused by a draft."

* "Here ya have kids starving in Biafra and India, and they go feed some half-dead Dumbo 2 tons of food. I hope they donate the carcass to the poor."

* "It died? I thought everybody in India meditated..?"

* "If those Indians ate their cows they wouldn't be starving half the time."

* "The elephant was right, though. Vegetarianism is pretty healthy."

* "Oh. That's too bad."

Now tally up your score and feel good about yourself !!! Whatever !!!
