Life needs love
To be seen from above
A heart needs a spirit
Where heaven awaits for it
Joy is in giving
To the needy for living
Peace is a day
When all wars fade away
Hope is a home
Of a place yet to come
And faith is the key
That will set us all free

by:Judi Dowell

Through me let there be kind words
a warm smile, a caring heart.

Through me let there be a willingness to
listen and a readiness to understand.

Through me let there be dependability,
steadfastness, trust and loyalty.

Through me let there be compassion,
forgiveness, mercy, and love.

Through me let there be every quality
I find, O Lord, in Thee.

Roy Lessin

"A part of you has grown in me,
together forever we shall be,
never apart,
maybe in distance,
but not in heart"

That goes out to my girlfriend Kristin
I wish I knew who wrote that
