I believe god is the source our souls come from. I believe God is pure love. I belive that I don't know enough about God to make any more assumptions than that.
I don't believe that any one religion has all the answers or is "The Only Correct Belief". I believe that most religions have something to contribute to the overall picture. Religon helps us to learn the lessons that we have been sent here to learn. Learning these lessons help us to evolve to the next level of existance and eventually reach heaven, and our full potential as souls.
Heaven is in my opinion undescribable ,total accetance, bliss, freedom ,etc. The list is as endless as the ideas of what heaven could be. I only know that it is our goal to eventually reach it.
Hell is the total absence of God. I am not sure if there is a Devil down there with a pitch fork but, I think that being denied the souurce from which we flow from, would be worse than any scarry story that the bible could concoct.
Demons,Devils,and Nasties...
Demons & Devils may or may not exist you have to believe in the christian version of the way things are to believe in a supreme evil being and his minions. I think that the possibility does exist for there to be a "Devil" it balances everyting out. Yin,Yang,positive,negative everything has a balance. I prefer believe that like the Hindus the "Devil" is more like Shiva the Destroyer. Shiva destroys the old so the new can be created. "Nasties" on the other hand are what most people would call demons. Nasties are negative entities that try to cause turmoil and strife in our lives. Nasties feed on the negative energy we project when we experience trumoil or strife. Have you ever noticed how a negative person has negative things constantly happening to them? They are attracting Nasties like seaguls are to some one with bread on the beach and, more nasties need more food. More hungry nasties will try to cause more turmoil and thats how the downward spiral starts.The best way to rid oursevles of these Nasties is to always try to be positive and to reduce the negative influences in our lives. Then they will have less interest in us and move on to better feeding grounds.
I beliveve that we are sent here to learn lessons that will help us evolve to the next level of existance. We don't automatically go to heaven. Our souls don't just go strait to heaven, we have to evolve to be ready for it. Reincarnation serves to make sure we are ready to pass into heaven. Life is way to short to experience everything that we will be judged on for ever and ever. I don't believe that we have to keep coming back to this plane, planet, or even dimension. I believe that we will experience them all before we are judged. I do belive that this is one of the tougher planes to gruduate from. Have you ever met a child that is wise beyond his/her years? They are old souls that have learned a few more of Gods lessons. Alternately young souls have more to learn. They may be that selfish person at the office or the sister that has to lie to impress everyone. We all have alot to learn and it is our obligation to help eachother evolve. Brotherly love and all that goes with it you know!
Ghosts are souls that have become soo attached the thier preivious life that they refuse to leave this plane. Possibly they don't realize they are dead. Some souls feel that they can't leave until they have accomplished some goal that they failed to do in life. In any event the are choosing to be here for one reason or another. Some ghosts are negative some are positive.
I think pure love is the greatest gift that we have been bestoyed by God. We all are a part of God and, have his love within us. Weather we choose to accept this or not is up to us. Being in love and making love (unconditionally) are all part of the love that is within us and when we learn to accept this and give it as well as recieve it we have learned one of the greatest lessons.
Definately!!! I truely believe that life exists on other planets! Even if there was only 1 chance in a billion that life as we know it came to exist here on earth; there are so many galaxies with soooo many planets with the same odds that there would still be "billions and billions"(had to say it Carl) of planets out there with life. Now have aliens been here visiting earth. I'll just say "ROSWELL". That should be more than enough on that.
Earth & Sun...
The Earth is our "Great Mother" and the Sun is our "Great Father"! We carry the jenetic make up of these parents just as much as we do our birth parents. All the elements that make up our bodies can be found in the Sun. The Sun sewed the seeds for life on this planet millions of years ago and the Earth nurtured them until life was plentiful. We are dependant on both the Earth and Sun for our very existance. Without either one life does not exist. We are a long way from mastering the stars and all we have keeping us in the cosmos is our "Great Parents" the Earth and Sun. We should respect our cosmic parents as much if not more than our birth parents. How do I do that you say? Easy, don't be wasteful of the gifts we are given by our cosmic parents. Recycle, turn off energy sourses when not in use. Do not litter the earth is a limited resourse and when it is used up thats it. Grow plants they replenish oxegen and clean the air. Breathable air is a limited recourse as well. Conserve whater. Most countries know this but here in the U.S. we have yet to see the light. Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on this planet is actually "drinkable" and that figure is diminshing. I think when the said to honor your mother and your father it ment more than just your birth parents. Who actually is more responsible for your being here the Sun? Your mother? The Earth? I think they all have equil claim. Peace and Harmony to all!!!